Clendenin text messages

Here are the text messages for April, May, and June released Friday.

Time Text Description

4/1/2010 16:00 Great

4/1/2010 16:01 My I'm Buddy is back.

4/1/2010 16:27 Yes

4/1/2010 16:27 :D

4/1/2010 16:29 O:)

4/1/2010 16:30 LMAO

4/1/2010 17:08 R u there yet. Do you have my stuff

4/1/2010 17:09 B)

4/1/2010 19:01 Bad habit thanks.

4/1/2010 19:02 Hey update my Apps.

4/2/2010 16:27 Hey send Brian my pin and tell him to send me an invite.

4/2/2010 16:36 Got it. I may ride with him for an hour tomorrow if Will goes to his buds.

4/2/2010 16:37 31?? I will let that go.

4/2/2010 16:37 You like that

4/2/2010 16:37 Yes I have Never seen the MDC or Xfiles used.

4/2/2010 16:38 48 and yes have been a fan of his before this year or last.

4/2/2010 16:39 Crap you got a text meant for him.

4/2/2010 16:40 24 is the man.

4/2/2010 16:41 24?

4/2/2010 16:41 Never have and never will unless you give me good reason.

4/2/2010 16:42 It is my dads fault. Lol

4/2/2010 16:42 As in jeff gordon nascar?

4/2/2010 16:43 Yes what the heck

4/2/2010 16:43 K same here

4/2/2010 16:44 31 is cause I'm 631 not nascar

4/2/2010 16:44 Ok my bad I thought 31 was well never mind.

4/2/2010 16:45 Hahahahahaha

4/2/2010 16:47 Don't laugh too much I am still a Major.

4/2/2010 16:48 And you are so correct sir Major sir!

4/2/2010 16:49 Lol I do want to see the MDC used since I'm over that now.

4/2/2010 16:49 Not a problem sir

4/2/2010 16:52 I live in Walden off of 42 East u know the location.

4/2/2010 16:52 Yes sir

4/2/2010 16:53 2056 Dove Lane.

4/2/2010 16:53 T4

4/2/2010 16:54 Ok I will make contact as soon as I nail down what he is going to do.

4/2/2010 16:54 Yes sir 6a-3p tom

4/2/2010 16:55 I will give you a heads up

4/2/2010 16:56 Perfect thanks major

4/2/2010 16:56 I have not done anything.

4/2/2010 16:58 But your good 2 pam and willing 2 help me w/spare charger

4/2/2010 17:02 Listen been on the Patrol over 22 years and at Hdq 9. Pam is good people a rare find in Raleigh. Loyalty goes a long way with me. Most in that type of position are back stabbers or to dumb to do the job.

4/2/2010 17:05 Agreed!

4/2/2010 17:07 BTW keep that last sentence between us. Lol

4/2/2010 17:09 Oh I understand that sir

4/2/2010 17:09 Why did you turn down the charger?

4/2/2010 17:10 Cause I will need it for over a month and didn't wanna occupy it so long

4/2/2010 17:11 Why???????

4/2/2010 17:11 I'm a team player

4/2/2010 17:12 Ok but I offered it. You getting push back.

4/2/2010 17:14 Push back?

4/2/2010 17:14 Someone tell you no or you concerned about that.

4/2/2010 17:16 No sir-

4/2/2010 17:17 Do you want to use it some

4/2/2010 17:17 I may need it on my night shift starting wed of next week

4/2/2010 17:17 I honestly just would like the unmarked I was told was coming 2-3 months ago

4/2/2010 17:19 Ok tell me this when were supposed to get it.

4/2/2010 17:23 "I was told it was given 2 ""us"" our dist a cpl months ago-and were waiting on capt williams 2 say go get it-611 knows I want black and they have 2 of them up there-and now seems like a great time since mine is tore up"

4/2/2010 17:26 I agree did they want you to mileage your car out

4/2/2010 17:27 No-the mileage wasn't a factor

4/2/2010 17:27 Ok I will look into it.

4/2/2010 17:28 It was supposed 2 be kinda secret like but its just dragging

4/2/2010 17:30 Secret?

4/2/2010 17:31 We (c6) got another unmark alotted somehow

4/2/2010 17:32 Ok and you think it is at CL? The car.

4/2/2010 17:33 Me and 611 saw 2 blk unmarks-just tryin 2 get capt 2 grab 1

4/2/2010 17:34 I just try 2 stay kinda quiet so I'm not getting on his nerves but its taking forever

4/2/2010 17:34 Not sure why the delay

4/2/2010 17:35 Technical stuff- the Capt or 611

4/2/2010 17:35 Oh

4/2/2010 17:35 I know 611 wants it asap

4/2/2010 17:36 Ok I'm in walmart going to call you in 15 this texting is killing me.

4/2/2010 17:37 4-Oct

4/2/2010 19:08 Thanks for letting me know.

4/2/2010 21:00 call me on the cell.

4/2/2010 23:58 Hey Super I'm leaning toward 10 am. I also plan on sharing some old school techniques with you. Lol

4/3/2010 0:10 Hahahaha---ill add those old school skills w/mine!

4/3/2010 0:26 Just kidding I can't keep up.

4/3/2010 12:31 Hey super you up?

4/3/2010 12:32 Yes sir-eating @ chic fil a

4/3/2010 12:33 Ok taking my son at 9:15. Shoot for 10 am.

4/3/2010 12:33 Yes sir-what was the address again?

4/3/2010 12:34 2056 Dove Ln

4/3/2010 12:35 4-Oct

4/3/2010 12:36 Come into Walden go through stop sign. 3rd left. At top of hill turn left. Go to Bottom of the hill I'm on the right.

4/3/2010 12:36 4-Oct

4/3/2010 12:37 U using GPS

4/3/2010 13:06 I don't have it in dorseys car

4/3/2010 13:07 Ok our street is not on most of them.

4/3/2010 13:11 I should b able 2 find it

4/3/2010 13:27 @ a pi wreck may b a min late- I will advise

4/3/2010 13:40 I'm 10-12

4/3/2010 13:41 I'm clear 10-17

4/3/2010 13:41 Take your time super

4/3/2010 13:43 U feeln good?

4/3/2010 13:44 Yes sir

4/3/2010 16:59 Hey girl-Super Trooper is a great guy. I have a knack at reading people. Got it from my mom anyway he is good people. I want him to stay in touch with me.

4/3/2010 17:02 I don't care as much about the tickets as much as I do the inside.

4/3/2010 17:03 Ok I will be in touch. :D

4/3/2010 17:06 Thanks again for taking the time to ride around this am.

4/3/2010 17:17 I enjoyed it! It was an honor

4/3/2010 17:18 You are good guy-stay in touch and I will see you monday.

4/3/2010 17:20 Yes sir-thank you

4/3/2010 20:08 I have been trying to upload a photo from my blackberry to facebook several times. It fails each time giving some error message. Is it me?? What I'm I doing wrong.

4/3/2010 20:15 Ok knowing me you will have to show me Monday. Lol. You the diddy!!

4/3/2010 20:19 80s term for you the shi*B)

4/3/2010 20:21 If you get on facebook later send me the link in a message. Only if you get on.

4/3/2010 20:25 K I will leave you alone. Watching Will and his buddy playing in the creek.

4/3/2010 20:26 They are looking. Lol

4/3/2010 20:28 BTW I like your husband. He impressed me. That aint easy I can see right through the BS. We talked about some stuff that will help him along.

4/3/2010 20:33 No doubt we will talk Monday. Later. Hollar if you need something.

4/4/2010 13:10 Did we win the lottery- my #'s were: 3 12 30 53 56 and pb # 6

4/4/2010 13:11 I'm checking- what goin on.

4/4/2010 13:12 Just sitting on 95 trying 2 get 611 some #'s to turn in

4/4/2010 13:18 Wife said we did not. Dang

4/4/2010 13:22 We are headed to Winston for easter lunch.

4/4/2010 13:23 dang!!! Drive safe

4/4/2010 13:23 611 said that the capt said we (c6) are supposed 2 get our cars maybe this week?

4/4/2010 13:25 I'm already working on it. Stick with me.

4/4/2010 13:25 I am ty

4/4/2010 13:28 You will know Monday when you meet me. :)

4/4/2010 13:29 Oh goodness

4/4/2010 13:30 It will be good.

4/4/2010 13:30 Ty

4/4/2010 13:37 Be careful later.

4/4/2010 13:37 Ty major

4/5/2010 13:44 Please please bring me a bottle of water over here. Please

4/5/2010 13:46 Thank you.

4/5/2010 20:55 What is that all about

4/5/2010 20:57 Rudys inquiry.

4/5/2010 20:59 Ok.

4/5/2010 21:32 "Honestly, driving you crazy yet?"

4/5/2010 21:45 Sorry on the phone. Ok let me know if I do.

4/5/2010 21:50 :D

4/5/2010 22:04 Hey went off and left my laptop and I'm state od. Remind me.

4/5/2010 22:07 BTW not getting vibs on IM messages.

4/5/2010 22:08 Bye

4/5/2010 23:56 Get up with Capt West in the morning. I want you two to come to my lunch tomorrow. I sent him a message earlier. You interested.

4/6/2010 0:07 Ok I will get you the details. You will meet some good peeps.

4/6/2010 0:09 I told them to add two to the list.

4/6/2010 0:12 Get with West in the AM. Like glue. Lol

4/6/2010 12:17 Happy birthday

4/6/2010 12:21 Thanks Brian.

4/6/2010 12:36 Welcome major

4/6/2010 13:44 Hey anybody mention the car to u.

4/6/2010 13:45 611 called me yesterday to tell me its coming

4/6/2010 13:45 Ok

4/6/2010 13:51 I never let on that you had talked 2 me

4/6/2010 15:49 Your wife is back talking me.

4/6/2010 15:58 X_X

4/6/2010 18:47 Hey send Glenn Mack our address and room number for the meeting tomorrow. Thanks.

4/6/2010 18:48 K he called me.

4/6/2010 19:07 Put your bday on my calendar. =D

4/6/2010 19:19 Oops

4/6/2010 19:23 QMB that day.

4/7/2010 10:05 It will be good.

4/7/2010 12:33 You on.

4/7/2010 12:34 Yes sir

4/7/2010 12:34 Hey bud what lodge r u in.

4/7/2010 12:35 Was outta greenville-and shrine out of zebulon but I'm not currently

4/7/2010 12:36 Ok you still current.

4/7/2010 12:36 Negative

4/7/2010 12:36 Dude

4/7/2010 12:38 Sir

4/7/2010 12:38 Ok you not intrested

4/7/2010 12:39 Just no time

4/7/2010 12:40 Ok

4/7/2010 13:16 Have a good birthday?

4/7/2010 13:17 It was great. Your wife did a great job.

4/7/2010 13:17 Awesome

4/7/2010 19:38 Hey request my wife she said she would be honored.

4/7/2010 21:33 Like glue. :)

4/7/2010 21:56 Ok you get what you want and I will cover. I was on the phone. =)]

4/7/2010 22:03 Ok you getting anything else for his thing.

4/7/2010 22:04 Ok

4/7/2010 22:05 I'm paying for the cake.

4/7/2010 22:12 You have done enough this week. :D

4/7/2010 22:16 Hey when I send emails a disclaimer message is typed on the email what is that.

4/8/2010 11:24 Morning check your email need an answer.

4/8/2010 11:27 Don't wreck just when you can get it.

4/8/2010 11:31 Checking on a blackberry for you.

4/8/2010 11:33 Not making any promises.

4/8/2010 12:04 Send it to me on this.

4/8/2010 12:27 Colonel said hello.

4/8/2010 12:51 I'm going to make you and Captain smile shortly. :)

4/8/2010 12:52 And no I'm not leaving.

4/8/2010 12:54 ;)

4/8/2010 13:00 Remind me about response for 100

4/8/2010 13:31 Stand by for me

4/8/2010 13:41 On the way

4/8/2010 13:43 :)

4/8/2010 15:58 "10-17 meal, go ahead"

4/8/2010 15:59 Talk to me.

4/8/2010 16:02 Going to Tookies for lunch. Want to go

4/8/2010 16:08 Ok let me know about the car.

4/8/2010 16:13 Ok let me know which one. Your wife is sitting with me and three others at lunch. I'm trying to get her to buy. Lol

4/8/2010 16:17 She is like mine can't make her do a damn thing. :(

4/8/2010 16:21 It is hard for me to hide. ;)

4/8/2010 16:24 Yep

4/8/2010 16:25 Plan coming together.

4/8/2010 16:26 You ready for some time off.

4/8/2010 16:35 Your wife said great show me the money.

4/8/2010 16:37 Did you get the charger from CL.

4/8/2010 16:37 Ok you want it.

4/8/2010 16:40 Ok let me know. Be safe and hollar at me.

4/8/2010 16:40 :)

4/8/2010 21:18 Butler is coming by in the AM. Link us up on BB.

4/9/2010 12:39 Hey super put it on them big Willie style.

4/9/2010 12:40 Headed to CL I will check on your unit.

4/9/2010 12:47 You on 40-85.

4/9/2010 13:20 Ok brb

4/9/2010 14:27 Happy Birthday old man.

4/9/2010 16:33 Hey with 100 be back 30 mins.

4/9/2010 16:58 You are

4/9/2010 16:56 The memo is on my desk. Be back shortly.

4/9/2010 18:22 Did I take that excederin or leave it.

4/9/2010 18:22 Hell I'm all turned around.

4/9/2010 18:24 I could use it.

4/9/2010 18:26 Leave it out for me.

4/9/2010 20:18 I saw you.

4/9/2010 20:19 You ignored me. Lol:(

4/9/2010 20:21 Listen we are going to be busy Monday on the issue that developed. I will need your help with a detailed memo. We also have other stuff. So enjoy the weekend.

4/9/2010 20:22 You didn't c me but I was going to fuss at u for not leaving.

4/9/2010 20:24 Ok I'm not nice that often.

4/9/2010 20:27 I'm looking at that and getting some ideas in my head. Fridays.

4/9/2010 20:28 But for now between me u and the capt

4/9/2010 20:30 We used it in E4 when I was a Trooper. Long story. But means quiet as a mouse. Stupid but effective.

4/9/2010 20:31 Slow but I can work with it. Lol

4/9/2010 20:34 Headedto Winston shortly with Cindy to get Will taking my laptop. We will return around 10 pm. Tell super hello and thanks again. Bye

4/9/2010 20:35 When I went to CL they had pulled his car around.

4/9/2010 20:37 No but it has been pulled around which means it will be. :D

4/9/2010 20:38 Mousey mousey. Lol;)

4/9/2010 20:40 Later hollar if you need me and don't worry about sister. I got that.

4/9/2010 21:05 Hey da

4/9/2010 21:06 Hey girl hey its cindy

4/9/2010 21:07 Not got use to everetts phone so excuse any typos

4/9/2010 21:08 I'm in the van on a two hour drive with everett feelin sorry for me yet

4/9/2010 21:10 "U must b drivin and texting cause everett says u type fast, any plans for the weekend?"

4/9/2010 21:13 "Ok, will let u drive. - will cya on fb later."

4/9/2010 21:55 Hey it is me. I love this ring tone thanks.

4/9/2010 21:57 :D

4/9/2010 23:10 Putting a Tahoe console.

4/9/2010 23:11 Cheaper.

4/9/2010 23:12 I'm jerking u around.

4/9/2010 23:12 :)

4/9/2010 23:17 It will be ok. Have faith in me I tell Pam the same thing.

4/9/2010 23:24 You do good today

4/9/2010 23:28 Damn

4/9/2010 23:29 You remember safety first.

4/9/2010 23:32 We r 30 mins from Winston.

4/9/2010 23:43 Give me a shout.

4/9/2010 23:45 I will keep an eye on the car.

4/9/2010 23:47 I got cha

4/10/2010 0:00 Hey we are here. Question- why the question about the console. Are they doing that.

4/10/2010 0:06 Ok I will ask.

4/10/2010 0:07 Why your wife don't mind asking me for stuff. :D

4/10/2010 0:08 Kidding I like giving her heck.

4/10/2010 0:15 I can't get both them mad at me. Lol

4/10/2010 0:16 Have fun.

4/12/2010 18:02 G just hit me hard about Pam again.

4/12/2010 18:04 Talk to her make sure! Be low key.

4/12/2010 18:06 Sorry geez that was for west. You were on my mind. It has been handled.

4/12/2010 18:09 I'm in the meeting. All is well. It has been put to rest.

4/12/2010 18:10 Both. We will talk I promise you all is ok. Sorry about all this crap.

4/12/2010 18:12 Nothing has changed stay cool. I wanted West to let you know there is still crap being said.

4/12/2010 18:56 Otw back

4/12/2010 21:20 Real quick- I want to review those temp positions before our meeting and discuss with you and the Captain. Thanks

4/12/2010 21:21 Yes I meant to send that to u. Lol

4/12/2010 21:24 U better keep that stupid move between us. :$

4/12/2010 21:25 Bye lol

4/12/2010 21:35 We three will be a great team. :D

4/12/2010 22:30 So I hear u want a stereo system for your 99 pimp mobile

4/12/2010 22:33 I need one for my 1999 caravan. Can you hook me up?

4/12/2010 22:34 Hahahah yes sir

4/12/2010 22:34 Pam told me about the console!! Close call thanks

4/12/2010 23:44 Hey opportunity usually only knocks once enjoy it.

4/12/2010 23:45 I plan to!

4/12/2010 23:45 :D

4/12/2010 23:52 Gonna look some vent visors

4/12/2010 23:52 I can't believe they were gonna put one of those horrible crown vic consoles in there

4/12/2010 23:52 You r eat up.

4/12/2010 23:52 All out

4/12/2010 23:53 Stereo system

4/12/2010 23:54 Bahaaha

4/13/2010 0:17 Funny u are.

4/13/2010 0:18 At least I think so right!

4/13/2010 0:37 Yea keep it up! You are doing good.

4/13/2010 11:38 Ms pam is lookin hot 2day!

4/13/2010 12:12 Hey I missed this earlier

4/13/2010 12:12 Oh haha

4/13/2010 15:06 :s

4/13/2010 15:06 Lol

4/13/2010 18:04 :D

4/13/2010 18:07 You aint getting rid of me that easy. Lol

4/13/2010 18:12 Now I have to meet Mike and T for a quick discussion. :)

4/13/2010 21:51 Hey am I listed twice in the global email. I'm not getting emails.

4/13/2010 21:52 Some emails.

4/13/2010 21:54 "No. Some people just continue to use the old address for u. U know when u type the beginning of someone's name, the address u use for that person pops up?? When they type ur name, ur old one pops up & they don't pay attention."

4/13/2010 21:55 Fix it:)

4/13/2010 21:55 Check your email later.

4/13/2010 22:14 There is nothing to fix. It's operator error.

4/13/2010 22:15 Relax I was being funny hahaha. :D

4/13/2010 22:16 Oh. Mr. Funny pants...;)

4/13/2010 22:19 But I am missing emails.

4/13/2010 22:21 "Should I send an email out telling people of the address change? I know, I could add it to your autosignature that it has changed."

4/13/2010 22:27 Yes let's do that in the am to Troops and sections. BTW you did good today and I appreciate it. :)

4/13/2010 22:28 :$

4/13/2010 22:29 Bye cya in the am.

4/13/2010 22:37 Okey dokey REC!...that's your new name...

4/13/2010 22:38 Been called worse Pms.

4/13/2010 22:38 Sorry typo error :)

4/13/2010 22:39 "Yeah, right!!"

4/14/2010 12:43 No blackberry email???

4/14/2010 12:55 What do u mean?

4/14/2010 15:25 U need tanya at the meeting????

4/14/2010 15:26 Capt West is calling her.

4/14/2010 15:29 :)

4/14/2010 20:16 I'm thinking about adding you to my email. The reason is like today I have done nothing with it all day. Thoughts???

4/14/2010 20:17 Yep!

4/14/2010 22:18 Call me

4/14/2010 22:28 Was that old?

4/14/2010 22:28 Yes

4/15/2010 13:06 U want Bill to start packing up stuff?

4/15/2010 15:27 Yes

4/15/2010 17:23 Hey did they bring the conference table yet? What's up?

4/15/2010 17:57 You may get your car tomorrow.

4/15/2010 18:00 What???????

4/15/2010 18:00 Omg!!!!!!!!

4/15/2010 18:00 No. Did they find one for u?

4/15/2010 18:01 Ask Mike he said it would be on the way.

4/15/2010 18:06 When r u guys coming back?

4/15/2010 18:07 30 mins. U leaving.

4/15/2010 18:08 Soon

4/15/2010 18:08 Ok

4/15/2010 18:09 Need something.

4/15/2010 18:10 Nope

4/15/2010 18:29 It is close

4/15/2010 18:29 To being ready

4/15/2010 18:33 What did you find out.

4/15/2010 18:34 :D

4/15/2010 18:34 Should I even go borrow chris bells car?

4/15/2010 18:35 Maybe I should just incase they don't finish

4/15/2010 18:38 Its here!!

4/15/2010 18:39 Were you gonna tell me?????

4/15/2010 18:41 I was too busy vacuuming and setting up ur office!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4/15/2010 18:41 You are the best!!!!

4/15/2010 18:42 :D

4/15/2010 18:48 You gone.

4/15/2010 18:49 Yep. Appt @ 3

4/15/2010 18:51 Don't forget your helping me in the am.

4/15/2010 18:51 I know :)

4/15/2010 18:51 :D

4/15/2010 18:52 :p

4/15/2010 20:04 No definite word yet.

4/15/2010 20:12 They are working on it

4/15/2010 20:16 Ty I did get bells's car

4/15/2010 20:16 Just n case

4/15/2010 20:17 Hopefully tomorrow

4/15/2010 20:17 That would b kick butt

4/15/2010 20:18 Patience grasshopper.

4/15/2010 20:19 Yesssss!

4/15/2010 21:49 Help!

4/15/2010 21:51 Oh no...

4/15/2010 21:51 Need something for Gilchrist

4/15/2010 21:52 My pc was Fubared not sure what you did to it.

4/15/2010 21:53 ??? I downloaded the BlackBerry desktop program. What do u need?

4/15/2010 21:53 I need the email from Capt Parham that has three attachments sent this morning. The are PDF files for upcoming projects that have been approved.

4/15/2010 21:58 I know your teeth hurt and you are with your family. So I can wait a little while. Let me know when you check. Btw you get a gold star for the office set-up. Looks great. (*) if you can't let me know and I will take another approach.

4/15/2010 21:58 Are they not on ur phone??

4/15/2010 21:59 I can't check ur email from home.

4/15/2010 21:59 Would I be asking you?? Duh

4/15/2010 21:59 Ok I got it.

4/15/2010 21:59 U home?

4/15/2010 22:02 No I don't have it. Not your fault. No sweat. I will tell him I will send it in the AM. Thanks.

4/15/2010 22:06 Today has been a blurr. It is not on my phone. I need to create a system for this. I'm usually more organized.

4/15/2010 22:07 Enjoy the family. Bye

4/15/2010 22:44 Check ur email. I found it in your inbox.

4/15/2010 22:44 Ok you can get in?:D

4/15/2010 22:46 "On Bluelights, yep. I forgot about long as I know ur password, yes I can."

4/15/2010 22:48 Girl I got the best Secretary on the Patrol. Don't get the big head. Lol:) I will take it from here. Bye.

4/15/2010 22:49 Bye :D

4/15/2010 22:55 Well ok one of the best.

4/15/2010 22:57 No doubt! =D

4/15/2010 22:59 You just stay focused; stick with me and it will be just fine.

4/15/2010 23:06 We will talk in the AM. Later chic.

4/16/2010 15:43 Let's roll to lunch

4/16/2010 15:46 Ok people are waiting.

4/16/2010 18:30 No thanks again and have a wonderful weekend.

4/16/2010 19:11 Don't do this again Sadowski on a Friday at 2pm. Geez

4/16/2010 19:12 I didn't do it!!! Sadowski did!!! Yell @ him >:O

4/16/2010 19:14 Was it last min? I didn't see anything about it until late this morning.

4/16/2010 19:15 I'm done. This is painful. I will get even.

4/16/2010 19:15 Go for it!

4/16/2010 19:22 You are so funny. I will be sure not to I'm you later. Lol

4/16/2010 19:24 Drink one for me.

4/16/2010 19:25 Another. <=-P

4/16/2010 20:14 You around

4/16/2010 20:15 @ the house

4/18/2010 17:42 If you are going use nasty words at least use this forum. :)

4/18/2010 18:19 You got to admit it was funny.

4/18/2010 20:11 Do you have an ipod?

4/18/2010 20:19 Brian?

4/18/2010 20:27 Ok Cindy just bought Will an Apple ipod. she had a question. Is Brian upav

4/18/2010 20:28 Is Brian up?

4/18/2010 20:29 Ok

4/18/2010 20:30 Call me on cell.

4/18/2010 20:32 T4

4/18/2010 20:46 Don't ask to many question you might cause me to lie.

4/18/2010 20:48 Don't be hounding him either!!!

4/18/2010 20:50 About???

4/18/2010 20:56 Ok I see; I needed some information from Brian.

4/18/2010 21:00 Let's see what is Wed???:)

4/18/2010 21:01 Now you got it. It will be fun. I'm looking after ya.

4/18/2010 21:01 :D

4/18/2010 21:04 Did not want you to worry. I flubbed that up.

4/18/2010 21:07 Wife just called me stupid. :(

4/18/2010 21:10 Will is is going to send you a friend request. I only let him request a few people we know. You ok with that? I can handle her.

4/18/2010 21:14 You aint noooo problem. Well maybe... Anyways are your parents bringing D?

4/18/2010 23:09 Lol Will said Dad she accepted me. :)

4/19/2010 0:07 No problem. Just take both days off I can handle the call to Gov Office. Is that to do list still beside your computer?

4/19/2010 0:10 I thought you wanted both days off? Take them and spend time with your family. No need to come in is there?

4/19/2010 0:14 Ok. I will be there around 9 am as long as nothing breaks loose.

4/19/2010 0:15 So you gonna call for also?

4/19/2010 0:18 Take whatever time you need. :)

4/19/2010 12:11 My man is headed 2 the junkyard 2day 2 check on your bumper

4/19/2010 12:12 Thanks man let me know. You doing ok.

4/19/2010 12:13 Yes headed 2 range

4/19/2010 12:14 Any way 2 get hands on those shp sweaters?

4/19/2010 12:15 You think this is walmart?

4/19/2010 12:15 Bahahahahaha I'm laughing out loud!!!

4/19/2010 12:23 "Oh no, what is going on?"

4/19/2010 19:27 Finally I'm making some headway. :D

4/19/2010 19:37 Yes I want you to smile things are good. Tell you more in person. Change your rust message to life is great. :)

4/19/2010 19:40 BTW your little girl is so cute and you have nice parents. Your dad was quiet but I'm guessing that is how he is. Anyway they should be proud of their baby girl.

4/19/2010 19:46 Chicken salad don't forget and your mom was a sweetie like someone else!:) big smile now!!

4/19/2010 19:49 Well ok you got plenty of both. :D

4/19/2010 20:14 No cold mtn dew what up with that?

4/19/2010 20:16 I just loaded it up. Who is in my stuff. Lol:(

4/19/2010 20:19 Just looked at the photos Ryan took this morning. Funny the one she is pulling away from in. Story of my life. Anyway enjoy your time. I will only bother you if I have too. Bye:)

4/20/2010 0:26 I'm on a roll we have turned the corner. :)

4/20/2010 0:29 Oh yea!

4/20/2010 0:35 I have hit some of our problems headon. For now just know you are no longer a concern. Now it is behind us. Let's look forward and we will both smile. Lol:). More details when you return.

4/20/2010 0:45 Ok it took me some time to type that you better acknowledge.

4/20/2010 0:45 Ok that is funny.

4/20/2010 1:26 "One thing you may already know I don't let things alone until they are dealt with. I feel good so should you. Later tater! Tell super hello, hug the baby and tell your parents safe travels. B)"

4/20/2010 11:24 Called trp c garage yesterday @ 4:30 and they said they haven't heard from c&l about my car

4/20/2010 11:25 Problem with your radio I did not know about. Should have it fixed today or tomorrow.

4/20/2010 11:31 Ohhh t4

4/20/2010 11:56 They had to find a part. Not sure what the issue was.

4/20/2010 12:00 "Ohhh, its not a problem,I was just checking up on trp c b/c they can b slow"

4/20/2010 12:01 I will stay on it.

4/20/2010 12:02 Ty sir

4/20/2010 12:02 Your little girl is so sweet and cute!

4/20/2010 12:03 Which 1? Hahahaha

4/20/2010 12:04 Both!!!! I met little D.

4/20/2010 12:07 She is fixing my hair!! Haha

4/20/2010 12:08 Great have fun

4/20/2010 12:11 I go 2 work @ 9--holler @ me

4/20/2010 12:11 4

4/20/2010 13:03 Your car is headed to troop c. Your 800 has an issue they are trying to fix. You also have a transmission leak that will have to be fixed.

4/20/2010 13:04 Lord!

4/20/2010 13:05 The 800 will be fixed quickly. Not sure about the transmission. Lol

4/20/2010 13:17 That scares me...maybe it'll b simple fix

4/20/2010 13:54 It will be right. Not to worry.

4/20/2010 13:54 U would think this car was used hahaha

4/20/2010 13:55 Small issues.

4/20/2010 14:02 That's true

4/20/2010 15:21 Can you call me on the cell.

4/20/2010 16:54 I will call you shortly. Trust me.

4/20/2010 18:48 Car is ready!

4/20/2010 19:05 Thank you sir

4/20/2010 19:05 Have you got it yet.

4/20/2010 19:06 Leaving johnston now

4/20/2010 19:06 Good. I want to see it.

4/20/2010 19:07 U @ archdale?

4/20/2010 19:16 What ypu work this week.

4/20/2010 19:17 In durham tom and days fri thru the weekend

4/20/2010 19:17 I will see it this weekend.

4/20/2010 19:17 Sweet ill come by

4/20/2010 19:22 Call or text me.

4/20/2010 19:23 I think your boy is happy about now.

4/20/2010 19:24 I will

4/20/2010 19:24 Ill send you a pic oif it in a little bit

4/20/2010 19:24 Ok do that.

4/20/2010 19:24 You da man!

4/20/2010 19:25 He is texting me. He is happy.

4/20/2010 19:25 Not me I did northing.

4/20/2010 19:25 You smiling too???

4/20/2010 19:26 I totally understand

4/20/2010 19:27 I like it. :D

4/20/2010 19:29 Smile even when it hurts. :) that is my motto. I think you know that now. Lol

4/20/2010 19:31 Your facebook is ready for a happy message now. :D

4/20/2010 19:31 I'm just saying.

4/20/2010 19:33 Bye OA5. I'm going to keep you busy tomorrow. You are two days behind.

4/20/2010 19:57 ???

4/20/2010 19:59 Ok bye just poking.

4/20/2010 21:26 You or Brian send me a pic of his car both inside and out. Thanks.

4/20/2010 21:31 Is the inside setup right. Looks good. :)

4/20/2010 21:33 Is the setup right on the inside.

4/20/2010 21:35 Ok I don't know what that means. Is he grinning.

4/20/2010 21:37 Great

4/20/2010 21:40 Just tried to call him have him call me on the cell.

4/20/2010 21:43 I don't like waiting. >:O

4/20/2010 22:15 Sweet

4/20/2010 22:17 OMG. She is just like you. I hope I'm lucky enough to get a small humble portion. :(

4/21/2010 0:21 Hey u there.

4/21/2010 1:35 Well you are late. Read what I posted about you on FB and shout back at me. :)

4/21/2010 1:36 On my page.

4/21/2010 1:38 Did you read it?

4/21/2010 1:39 That is how I do it. Scarred???

4/21/2010 1:44 Bye tell mom and dad if they will come see me again I will buy lunch. :)

4/21/2010 1:47 I mean next time they are in town. Lol you tell them that she took the time to make the salad I will treat next. Later chic.

4/21/2010 11:26 I should be in around 8 - 8:30 this morning.

4/21/2010 11:27 No problem happy administrative professional day!!!!:)

4/21/2010 13:08 Listen- A is wigging out today so stay away from her and enjoy your day.

4/21/2010 16:47 I'm gonna confess I feel bad

4/21/2010 16:48 I'm eating lunch with another Secretary. :(.

4/21/2010 16:49 I feel so. Bad.

4/21/2010 16:50 :D

4/21/2010 21:19 So glad you had fun today. You smiled all day long. :D

4/21/2010 21:21 :$

4/21/2010 22:05 No kidding- Cindy loves the chix salad.

4/21/2010 22:09 She said I was lucky!! That is yet to be determined. Lol

4/21/2010 22:09 Kidding>=)

4/21/2010 22:10 U ARE lucky!! ;). U could have BJ or AJ supporting u...

4/21/2010 22:12 You have set the bar so high we are now locked at the hip. I aint kidding!!:D

4/21/2010 22:13 I could imagine having to drop back to that level of work ability. Sorry kid.

4/21/2010 22:13 Could not.

4/21/2010 22:16 ({})

4/21/2010 22:49 AJ is still melting down.

4/21/2010 22:54 Can you call me?

4/21/2010 23:13 Tell me about your cars first day.

4/21/2010 23:15 Wrote 20 and it rained!!! It is a beautiful machine!

4/21/2010 23:15 You happy

4/21/2010 23:16 Extremely

4/21/2010 23:16 Ok I want to see it.

4/21/2010 23:17 Absolutely

4/21/2010 23:17 Bring it by this weekend.

4/21/2010 23:20 I sure will!

4/21/2010 23:21 You in Durham tomorrow.

4/21/2010 23:21 I was in durham today

4/21/2010 23:22 I know that where tomorrow.

4/21/2010 23:22 I'm off tomorrow-thank goodness

4/21/2010 23:24 Ok Pam had a big day today. She was grinning all day.

4/21/2010 23:33 She came home and showed me all her food

4/21/2010 23:35 Eat and have fun my wife helped I'm not good at that stuff. Hey man come see me. Stop by TSU tomorrow if you can.

4/22/2010 0:15 I may hook up with you guys friday 4 lunch?

4/22/2010 14:04 Come on!!!

4/22/2010 20:05 R u in a meeting downtown?

4/22/2010 21:15 How in the world could I do that. :D

4/22/2010 21:17 What? What did I do.

4/22/2010 21:17 U missed our 3pm QMB meeting!!

4/22/2010 21:18 Oh I see I missed a message from you.

4/22/2010 21:18 Yep

4/22/2010 21:19 No no no I was pulled into a meeting with 100 and 101. I texted west and told him I would be late. It just ended at 4 45.

4/22/2010 21:20 Ok...I'll let it slide...

4/22/2010 21:21 You mad

4/22/2010 21:23 I will look at it in the morning. Life is good. Are you quick to bail out.

4/22/2010 21:47 :D was on the phone with the Secretary.

4/22/2010 21:54 Crap

4/22/2010 21:56 A lot going on. I will check back later have to call the Secretary's attorney.

4/22/2010 22:49 Hey

4/22/2010 22:52 Hey girl sorry about the meeting I will make sur you know that in the future. I'm going to be really busy the next few days so you are gonna have to step up and keep me on my game.

4/22/2010 22:54 Pam you are the best({}). I just think the world of you!!!!

4/22/2010 22:59 I'm not going anywhere so quit saying-worrying about it. I told the colonel today I was so happy to be where I'm at. Unfortunately my old job is keeping me busy also. Stay on top of my emails and on top of my calendar. I have a lot of faith in you. :)

4/22/2010 23:04 I know that is why you are with me. They know how I feel about you so now we just have to keep it moving. I'm looking forward to lunch tomorrow. Several of the girls at HDQ said I was spoiling you. Lol I said if you took care of me like she does I would spoil you. :D. Have a nice evening; tell super hello for me. Bye.

4/23/2010 12:44 Check your email I need a reply ASAP send back using this

4/23/2010 12:47 West has responded.

4/23/2010 13:37 I'm hungry.

4/23/2010 14:03 Cool wish I was there.

4/23/2010 14:12 Maybe in a bit. :(

4/23/2010 14:13 I hope

4/23/2010 14:38 ;)

4/23/2010 14:55 U want me to send up the warehouse posting to Harris?

4/23/2010 14:57 Yes

4/23/2010 15:53 Ok I see how it is.

4/23/2010 15:55 I'm not having fun now. :(

4/23/2010 15:58 Fix it

4/23/2010 16:06 Still not :)

4/23/2010 16:06 :D

4/23/2010 16:50 Should have been here with me.

4/23/2010 18:18 Ahhhhhhh

4/23/2010 21:03 Hey did you clear my clipboard.

4/23/2010 21:05 Small token of my appreciation. :D

4/23/2010 21:10 You the best. ({})

4/23/2010 21:12 Give me a shout later.

4/23/2010 21:37 Dang we left a sentence out of the memo.

4/23/2010 21:41 Yes I left out the piece only those going a to a position that does not require the equipment.

4/23/2010 21:42 Crap. I was planning on comming home & emailing McNeill & telling him to hold the memo. I HATE THIS MEMO!!! >=)

4/23/2010 21:43 It is ok I took the hit.

4/23/2010 21:45 Yes I do too. >:O

4/23/2010 21:51 Ahhhh thanks again for doing that for me.

4/23/2010 21:52 Ok

4/23/2010 21:54 I'm going to send an update shortly to Glenn.

4/23/2010 21:56 Hollar

4/23/2010 21:58 Well I'm from statesville we say hollar. Tell him to remember my rank. ;)

4/23/2010 22:00 All in fun. :D

4/23/2010 22:01 BAY

4/23/2010 22:02 Back at you. :p

4/23/2010 22:48 Hey Will is killing that Candy. He loved the sucker thing.

4/23/2010 22:56 He is trying to eat it before his mother gets home and I'm Lol. Hehehe. And yes I have. :D

4/23/2010 23:03 Yep. She will kill me. >=)

4/23/2010 23:04 I know. Lol

4/23/2010 23:06 #:-s

4/23/2010 23:07 I'm gonna post that picture if I can.

4/23/2010 23:09 I wish the pic had captured your name on the desk.

4/23/2010 23:11 I'm getting ready to post it. You ok with that.

4/23/2010 23:12 I'm busted on the candy...Will told his mom he was not hungry. Sorry you just took a hit. ;)

4/23/2010 23:19 Shhhh be quiet I'm blaming it on you. :p

4/23/2010 23:25 Never mind that did not work. Oh well it was funny watching him eat it. My butt is grass.

4/23/2010 23:25 Photo is posted

4/23/2010 23:43 Ok sent the correction to McNeill. I am so done with that memo. I should have just stayed out of it.

4/23/2010 23:59 It is now in your email.

4/24/2010 0:19 No no I have taken care of it I would not cause you to have to work on the weekend. I want some strawberries.

4/24/2010 0:20 :D

4/24/2010 0:27 Holla at me and let me know when you get there. I will bring him over. Will Brian come by. I want Will to meet him. He loves troopers.

4/24/2010 0:32 Yes he has a game at 9 that last one hour. Will you still be there?

4/24/2010 0:35 Ok it would be 10 45 or 11am before we could get there. I will HOLLA.

4/24/2010 0:36 You better be if I head that way.

4/24/2010 0:36 :D

4/24/2010 0:37 Will do.

4/24/2010 14:20 Who has the best strawberries.

4/24/2010 14:21 Close

4/24/2010 14:25 You gone?

4/24/2010 14:25 Brian?

4/24/2010 14:27 Where is he parked

4/24/2010 14:30 How long you gonna be there.

4/24/2010 14:35 I got a call 2 go 2 pam is here w/delaney and my mom

4/24/2010 14:35 Dang my son was stoked about meeting you.

4/24/2010 14:36 Dang it!

4/24/2010 14:37 You gonna stay close.

4/24/2010 14:37 We won't be there long stuff to do. Momma wants strawberries.

4/24/2010 14:38 Headed 2 benson for horses in road!

4/24/2010 14:39 Let me know when clear

4/24/2010 14:40 I was just 10-22'd

4/24/2010 14:40 He looked at the pics of your car. Loved it.

4/24/2010 14:40 Murphy got it

4/24/2010 14:40 Its dirty right now

4/24/2010 14:40 Ok 25 me

4/24/2010 14:41 @ strawberry festival?

4/24/2010 14:41 Yea

4/24/2010 14:42 Yea

4/24/2010 14:42 Looking at u

4/24/2010 14:42 I'm turnin around on 40 @ 319

4/24/2010 14:42 K where is the best place to park.

4/24/2010 14:43 Food lion

4/24/2010 14:45 I just got a 10-50 on ranch road

4/24/2010 14:45 Ok we are here

4/24/2010 14:46 Ok we are near there.

4/24/2010 14:46 Find pam

4/24/2010 14:47 She just said she is at the bouncy thing

4/24/2010 14:48 Its right there nxt 2 food lion

4/24/2010 14:49 I'm looking

4/24/2010 14:51 I'm where all the tents are talking ti Bizzell

4/24/2010 14:52 Near the music

4/24/2010 14:56 Ok this is retarded

4/24/2010 14:58 I found Pam.

4/24/2010 15:03 You close

4/24/2010 15:22 10 min away

4/24/2010 15:24 Same location beside FL.

4/24/2010 15:26 17-Oct

4/24/2010 15:26 R u 23

4/24/2010 15:32 3 min

4/24/2010 15:58 Thanks for coming back

4/24/2010 16:00 Hey Pam thanks for hanging around it is always fun to C ya. :)

4/24/2010 16:04 Will getem together again soon. BTW I registerd you and Brian for a tailgate party. I registed myself also. Did you see that booth?

4/24/2010 16:05 Did you register. That is funny.

4/24/2010 16:07 Well you are in twice. Lol

4/24/2010 16:08 Anytime for you

4/24/2010 16:09 Ok you are so sweet. We are gone. Holla later.

4/24/2010 16:12 You da man.

4/24/2010 16:29 Thank you

4/24/2010 22:10 Did you read the N and O on Capt James.

4/24/2010 22:11 Yes. Capt Williams I mean

4/24/2010 22:11 It says you are taking a nap

4/24/2010 22:12 Defend me????

4/24/2010 22:12 You defending me ??

4/24/2010 22:13 Your last message.

4/24/2010 22:13 Oh I get it hey hey EC. That is what you better be sayin.

4/24/2010 22:14 Lol you are so funny to me.

4/24/2010 22:15 I like u! :D. Read it not good. Tell Brian.

4/24/2010 22:17 I just read it. Sounds like the govs office wants to fire him?!?

4/24/2010 22:18 Pam- it aint good. This is how it goes you are seeing more now how it works behind the scenes. Not good for him. These comments are between you and me. Ok

4/24/2010 22:20 K...a trooper doing the same thing would have already been fired...right? Just my opinion.

4/24/2010 22:22 No believe it or not this is unfolding the same way. Some say that but I'm telling you that is not true. I don't think he will survive it. U Believe me??

4/24/2010 22:23 "Yea, I think he's done."

4/24/2010 22:23 It would be UGLY if he stays!

4/24/2010 22:24 No he will not in my opinion to much controversy. A trooper would have been treated the same way.

4/24/2010 22:26 So ur saying he probably won't get fired? ...just a disclaimer...u don't have to answer questions like this if it compromises your inside knowledge...

4/24/2010 22:27 You are so funny. :D

4/24/2010 22:28 Ur not answweer

4/24/2010 22:28 Did you read what the Gov said???

4/24/2010 22:28 Sorry...answering my question ;)

4/24/2010 22:28 Yep! I read it!

4/24/2010 22:29 You are not spelling too good either. :)

4/24/2010 22:29 I do not think he will survive it. :(

4/24/2010 22:30 I need my nails done...I keep hitting the wrong lil keys.

4/24/2010 22:30 You are so funny.

4/24/2010 22:30 "Well, he did something REALLY stupid!"

4/24/2010 22:31 Did you see my post about the fun today? Yes he did.

4/24/2010 22:32 Will said brian is a nice trooper. He liked him.

4/24/2010 22:32 Will said Pam is purdy.

4/24/2010 22:33 I said what he said yes dad she is. Lol

4/24/2010 22:34 I agree with him he is a good judge of beauty. Lol

4/24/2010 22:34 Inside and out.

4/24/2010 22:35 Ok I got to go we will talk later don't ignore my emails.

4/24/2010 22:36 You are so funny. Talk to you later. Bye.

4/24/2010 22:37 :D

4/24/2010 23:10 Got some more info not good.

4/24/2010 23:12 You know he is assigned to me right now.

4/24/2010 23:12 I have to call him Monday remind me.

4/24/2010 23:14 Maybe?????

4/24/2010 23:15 Hey. Have you and Brian been to a Mudcat game? Would you guys want to go with us one night?

4/24/2010 23:17 What

4/24/2010 23:17 Ok I'm going to line it up Cindy said it would be fun.

4/24/2010 23:19 Will yall go?

4/24/2010 23:20 Ok we will get it lined up this week. On Saturdays they do fireworks. Little D and Will would love it. You have to sit with me though. Lol

4/24/2010 23:22 Ok we will line it up this week.

4/24/2010 23:24 Cindy is lol

4/24/2010 23:25 Ok girly I will holla later we will line it up tis week ok?

4/24/2010 23:26 Bye holla later.

4/24/2010 23:26 Cindy said hello.

4/24/2010 23:29 She is smiling. :)

4/24/2010 23:36 She said a Mudcat game sounds good.

4/24/2010 23:40 Later chic. :D

4/25/2010 0:08 Hey have Brian check his schedule the week of May 3rd. They play at home on Friday May 7 and Sat May 8th. On Friday it starts at 71d

4/25/2010 0:09 7:15 and on Sat at 6 : 15.

4/25/2010 0:12 Saturday would be better.

4/25/2010 0:18 Ok I will look again.

4/25/2010 0:20 Where did you see that ass hole???

4/25/2010 0:21 He loves me lol

4/25/2010 0:23 Tell him hello for me. You there now.

4/25/2010 0:25 Pam you suck. Lol have fun I will get with tou tomorrow concerning Mudcat game. Drink one for me. Wish I was there lol:(

4/25/2010 0:26 Please do. We are watching Avatar.

4/25/2010 0:27 It is good OMG. Come watch it with me.

4/25/2010 0:28 Yes u can.

4/25/2010 0:30 You my girl. Have fun. :D

4/25/2010 0:30 ({})

4/25/2010 15:03 Holy crap :$

4/25/2010 15:04 just read last nights chat. :$

4/25/2010 15:07 The hey ec is funny to me. Should not have talked about the work issue.

4/25/2010 15:09 Still want to see a baseball game. The CR was talking a lot last night.

4/25/2010 15:09 Mousey-lol:D

4/25/2010 15:10 Game????

4/25/2010 15:12 How? Too much work talk?

4/25/2010 15:28 "I feel better, actually a first for me. We will line the game up this week. It will be fun. :D"

4/25/2010 19:32 Were you on I - 40 earlier?

4/25/2010 19:33 Yes sir

4/25/2010 19:33 Been on and off i-40 all day

4/25/2010 19:35 Thought so one of my buddies off duty trooper said one of our guys was in a charger on 40.

4/25/2010 19:36 He said you had one stopped when he passed by.

4/25/2010 19:36 If it was black it had 2 me me!! My car is bad!!

4/25/2010 19:36 No surprise there!!

4/25/2010 19:37 Yea. He said it was dark so I said black. He said yep

4/25/2010 19:37 He said it looked mean. Now he wants one. Lol

4/25/2010 19:40 Bingo!

4/25/2010 19:41 Ok super I will let you go give me a holla. You good??

4/25/2010 19:41 Yes sir all is well!

4/25/2010 19:43 Ok later on.

4/25/2010 19:43 Later!!

4/25/2010 19:44 BTW. Not sure yet but your car may be in an upcoming photo for a poster. I will let you know.

4/25/2010 19:45 AWESOME!!!!!!!

4/25/2010 19:46 We are going to redo some stuff. Which means it will be at the fair. We may use your car at the fair since you will be there. Not sure yet. Hold the fair stuff under your hat.

4/25/2010 19:48 Regardless will have you there.

4/25/2010 19:49 4-Oct

4/25/2010 21:20 LMAO.

4/25/2010 21:21 I almost sent you a message when I posted the photo of me holding the bunny saying the same thing.

4/25/2010 21:26 Is karen tew a FB friend of yours?

4/25/2010 21:28 K

4/25/2010 22:51 Found one little spy and they know they have been busted.

4/25/2010 22:53 Still like glue???

4/25/2010 22:54 Promise me to keep it quiet!!! No talk!!

4/25/2010 22:58 Karen Tew. She has been reading stuff on FB and gossiping to people. She was my wifes friend. Nothing to do with AJ but you and Brian and me. I shut her ass down.

4/25/2010 23:00 no big deal I knew someone was saying stuff. Now I will find the one feeding AJ.

4/25/2010 23:02 I always do it may take some time but I will. Meanwhile you stay cool. Stick with me chic.

4/25/2010 23:04 You made me smile. :D

4/25/2010 23:08 She is calling my wife as I type this she is fixing to tangle with a mountain lion.

4/25/2010 23:23 K Cindy just told her she was a stalker.

4/25/2010 23:27 Just told her I have only said nice stuff about you guys. And she is still digging.

4/25/2010 23:28 And ended with she don't want her or my business in the street. :D

4/25/2010 23:32 She just called back.

4/25/2010 23:33 Yep.

4/25/2010 23:35 Stupid. Cindy is being diplomatic now.

4/25/2010 23:39 Yep it is about over she apoligized to Cindy and to me through her. She said that Pam is loyal to him and he is to her. So get over it.

4/25/2010 23:42 Her deal was she had been saying some minor stuff to people. I thinkit is handled. Look at Cindys post. Lol

4/25/2010 23:44 "Don't get involved, it will only exacerbate the issue."

4/25/2010 23:47 You keep on posting and commenting on our stuff she will not see anything now. Ok

4/25/2010 23:48 Did you see Cindys post?

4/25/2010 23:51 The other one will slip up soon.

4/25/2010 23:53 Cindy laughed at your post. Ok later chic.

4/26/2010 0:20 See if you or Brian have a Cole Adams in your FB friends.

4/26/2010 0:23 Ok they use that name on FB to slueth around.

4/26/2010 0:23 Ok

4/26/2010 0:25 Tews

4/26/2010 0:25 It is a shame our kids are good friends.

4/26/2010 0:27 Ok we are going to let it go and move on. Other bigger issues to focus on.

4/26/2010 0:28 :D later.

4/27/2010 13:37 IMG00031.jpg ( 40.45KB ) Mike is happy.

4/27/2010 13:49 Stand by. :)

4/27/2010 13:53 Just for has been approved. :D

4/27/2010 13:57 Yes Gilchrist just approved.

4/27/2010 14:11 Sup

4/27/2010 14:41 Making your friends happy. :)

4/27/2010 14:55 Don't thank me just stick with me when times get tough.

4/27/2010 14:56 I know:D

4/27/2010 14:59 My phone likes you too. :)

4/27/2010 16:59 I aint scarred.

4/27/2010 17:13 Don't be I got it. :)

4/27/2010 17:57 Yep you got it!:D

4/27/2010 18:07 My phone may break up with your phone if you are not nice.

4/27/2010 18:12 I know that is the problem. ;)

4/27/2010 18:20 >=)

4/27/2010 18:34 What would I do without you?????

4/27/2010 18:38 It would be boring.

4/27/2010 18:44 Your addicting. :)

4/27/2010 19:10 Bragger. =D

4/27/2010 19:19 Not going there- great profile pic. :D

4/27/2010 19:40 I'm coming over for round 2.

4/27/2010 21:08 Girl I was just listening to it fuss about not seeing your phone until the AM. :D

4/27/2010 21:10 Not to worry it will be stalking later. X_X

4/27/2010 21:11 You are a mess. >=)

4/27/2010 21:11 A hot mess.

4/27/2010 21:13 HOT mess.

4/27/2010 21:15 Crap I'm bout to wreck deleting this convo. Ha ha

4/27/2010 21:16 ;)

4/27/2010 22:37 Ok I see how it is?

4/27/2010 22:39 I'm lost?

4/27/2010 22:41 You got the car and you can't hollar.

4/27/2010 22:43 Ohhhh---that hurt

4/27/2010 22:43 It should.

4/27/2010 22:44 I've been working it and very little talkin

4/27/2010 22:46 Don't worry about the small stuff. I'm weeding them out. You have fun and drive on. Keep on and you will be back in a crown. Hahaha. Kidding

4/27/2010 22:46 You are the man!!!

4/27/2010 22:47 Man you can check in every now again. The guys won't find out. Lol

4/27/2010 22:51 I appreciate that

4/27/2010 22:51 I know you are busy and not sure when 2 bother you

4/27/2010 22:59 I know I'm having a little fun with you.

4/27/2010 22:59 You won't bother me. Lol

4/27/2010 23:03 That car is awesome!!

4/27/2010 23:08 Have fun with it.

4/27/2010 23:22 Washed/waxed it yesterday

4/27/2010 23:22 Still a lil pollen in the air

4/27/2010 23:22 Come eat lunch with me one day soon.

4/27/2010 23:23 Me you and pam will go.

4/27/2010 23:23 Thur is pams b-day

4/27/2010 23:24 Crap thanks for the heads up.

4/27/2010 23:24 Yes sir

4/27/2010 23:25 Maybe I can go then depending on schedules

4/27/2010 23:25 0k

4/27/2010 23:25 T4

4/28/2010 0:44 IMG00032.jpg ( 33.03KB ) Hehehehe

4/28/2010 0:58 At walmart thought of u.

4/28/2010 1:01 >=)

4/28/2010 1:03 Hehehehehehe

4/28/2010 1:05 My thoughts of youO:)

4/28/2010 1:07 ({})

4/28/2010 12:22 More good news! Yay!!!

4/28/2010 12:26 Hold on in a meeting.

4/28/2010 12:31 Headed that way in 5 mins for our meeting. :)

4/28/2010 12:38 We will talk.

4/28/2010 13:00 Sorry was with 101 headed that way. 7 mins

4/28/2010 13:00 Is Williams there?

4/28/2010 13:03 ????

4/28/2010 14:48 My phone said it is great hearing from you.

4/28/2010 15:26 Smile. Too serious. :)

4/28/2010 15:34 You want me to bring you something. ({})

4/28/2010 15:36 Mexican

4/28/2010 15:48 ??

4/28/2010 15:52 Ok:D

4/28/2010 15:56 I have got to bring you to this place you like Mexican?

4/28/2010 15:57 New place downtown. Great food.

4/28/2010 16:16 My mind is twirling.

4/28/2010 16:23 AJ

4/28/2010 16:24 I think I'm gonna move her.

4/28/2010 16:25 Let's talk later. mousey.

4/28/2010 16:25 You should have come with me.

4/28/2010 16:27 I know trying to play fair

4/28/2010 16:28 So I'm eating with the Secretary and texting you. ......

4/28/2010 16:28 :D

4/28/2010 16:30 Already have I was asked about you. :)

4/28/2010 16:31 Pam have not seen how I roll when your with me you are with me. ({})

4/28/2010 17:18 You just scarred the crap oit of me. I'm at Archdale office.

4/28/2010 17:37 Ok?

4/28/2010 17:38 Like minds.....

4/28/2010 17:41 Be back in 30 mins.

4/28/2010 17:41 :D

4/28/2010 17:41 Your phone ok?

4/28/2010 17:44 \=D/

4/28/2010 18:53 Awkward-

4/28/2010 18:54 OMG that aint never going to work.

4/28/2010 19:36 AJ kissing up to you.

4/28/2010 20:25 Mine is seeking convo like crack. <3

4/28/2010 20:36 Back at ya.

4/28/2010 20:37 <3

4/28/2010 20:46 Cutie

4/28/2010 20:49 How r u sir?

4/28/2010 20:52 Your wife is driving me crazy!!!

4/28/2010 20:53 Hahaha

4/28/2010 21:02 Kidding all is good. You coming tomorrow.

4/28/2010 21:03 Yes sir-planning on it-we had a fatal 2day--only 3 ppl in district working--if its quiet I can go

4/28/2010 21:03 Ok Pam shared the photos. Bad stuff.

4/28/2010 21:15 Photos?

4/28/2010 21:16 Crash

4/28/2010 21:16 It was bad!

4/28/2010 21:17 You do the crash

4/28/2010 21:17 May as well have--i was there 3 hrs

4/28/2010 21:18 HS kids?

4/28/2010 21:19 Both sophomores

4/28/2010 21:19 That is bad news

4/28/2010 21:20 His dad worked @ jail

4/28/2010 21:20 What happened.

4/28/2010 21:21 They passed a car on a back road then the rear truck passed his buddy also and sideswiped him and they both ran off rd 2 right and overturned several times ejecting the kid who died

4/28/2010 21:23 Terrible. Charges?

4/28/2010 21:24 The kid @ fault is the dead one

4/28/2010 21:25 You make it fun. ({})

4/28/2010 21:25 Ok well that worked out.

4/28/2010 21:28 Surew did!

4/28/2010 21:30 Ok man cya tomorrow.

4/28/2010 21:31 Thank you sir

4/28/2010 21:31 K

4/28/2010 21:34 Hope you can go to the game but I get it if you can't.

4/28/2010 21:37 I understand. </3

4/28/2010 21:40 Absolutly not. It is <3<3.

4/28/2010 21:41 Just like a female phone. Keep on laughing.

4/28/2010 21:44 We withdraw the <3<3 comment.

4/28/2010 21:47 We r moving on.

4/28/2010 21:49 Why should we stick around.

4/28/2010 21:50 =-?

4/28/2010 21:51 =-?

4/28/2010 21:52 Were confused

4/28/2010 21:52 =-?

4/28/2010 21:53 >:O

4/29/2010 0:46 Hey is Pam close by sorry to bother but I'm being asked something.

4/29/2010 0:55 Yes sir

4/29/2010 0:56 Tell her to call me on cell and sorry for the bother.

4/29/2010 0:56 Or I can call her.

4/29/2010 0:57 She is getting her phone now

4/29/2010 0:58 Sorry you know it is urgent

4/29/2010 1:11 Haha I don't mind

4/29/2010 1:13 I feel bad cutting in on family time. I'm to dependent on your wife. Calling the Secretary. See you at lunch. Later =)]

4/29/2010 1:14 Its fine--i got my froot loops!!

4/29/2010 1:15 You both are nuts that is why I like you guys bye.

4/29/2010 1:16 Hahahaha later major

4/29/2010 1:17 Whew tell Pam it is all good. Just talked to him.

4/29/2010 1:18 T4

4/29/2010 1:23 He thinks he can wing it on what we talked about and said if he needs more he will call me in the early AM. I do not care what time you get in. So take your time. For god sakes your old now so crawl along. Thanks again it is so nice to know thay I can lean on you when I have too. :D

4/29/2010 1:27 I'm older and wise- you can learn much from me grasshopper. And hell yes I'm headed to bed. If you find it cutie send it back to my in box. he sounds ok it was the first call from him that had me keyed up. Only he and the colonel get me keyed up. Ok and you. Lol:D

4/29/2010 14:05 Please get me out of this.

4/29/2010 14:07 Yes but your stuff was right on the money. Thanks. :)

4/29/2010 14:10 About 5 mins.

4/29/2010 14:32 Ok we just presented. :)

4/29/2010 15:19 Done

4/29/2010 18:13 Archdale back in a few.

4/29/2010 20:13 No problem.

4/29/2010 22:32 I forwarded u a text Angie sent me...

4/29/2010 22:36 Thanks

4/29/2010 22:37 U ok?

4/29/2010 22:39 Yep

4/29/2010 22:39 Ok.

4/29/2010 23:47 U don't seem ok...

4/29/2010 23:53 It is your bday-why are you worried about me.

4/29/2010 23:54 Bc u are being short. I get nervous that 100 is making changes when u get quiet.

4/29/2010 23:58 You made a good point yesterday when you said I was always instant messaging you. it made me think. You were right.

4/30/2010 0:03 Today has been a weird day for me I have been pounded by the Colonel on different issues. I can't get away from my old job. I'm doing so many things.

4/30/2010 0:05 :( sorry. It will probably be awhile before u can really break away from the PIO office. Its just transition time for u.

4/30/2010 0:05 And then there is you.....

4/30/2010 0:05 "100 & the Secretary trust u, so they go to you!"

4/30/2010 0:06 What about me?

4/30/2010 0:09 You are no problem. I just worry to much about you. My job has caused you grief.

4/30/2010 0:11 So...u have also made coming to work fun again! You've also made some good changes around there!

4/30/2010 0:12 Bottom line I'm ok I was just giving you a break.

4/30/2010 0:12 I don't want a break :D

4/30/2010 0:13 Pam!!!!

4/30/2010 0:19 I know you are getting teased and asked about me. I was giving you some room. I guess at lunch I had a revelation that I lean on you too much.

4/30/2010 0:23 Anyway go enjoy your family. All is well. It is your birthday go have fun. It will work out. And I am ok.

4/30/2010 0:25 Believe me I'm solid as a rock and I aint scarred.

4/30/2010 16:24 :p

4/30/2010 16:37 Hurry we miss you.

4/30/2010 16:39 My phone is happy :D

4/30/2010 17:14 Thanks:D

4/30/2010 17:15 <3

4/30/2010 19:16 I feel so much better. :D

4/30/2010 20:22 What

4/30/2010 20:23 Are you nuts? Like glue girl.

4/30/2010 20:24 ({})

4/30/2010 23:02 I just read your post on facebook. I'm so mad. >:O

4/30/2010 23:03 Not mad at your post fyi

4/30/2010 23:04 Not at your post at all thought that was funny. The dang photo did not come through. Lol

4/30/2010 23:07 You have to retry. Lol

4/30/2010 23:07 Pammie.

4/30/2010 23:08 My -.

4/30/2010 23:08 Shit my instant

4/30/2010 23:09 Is acting funny. Yes I have. :D

4/30/2010 23:09 Come on slow poke. Ha

4/30/2010 23:11 Pam you are so funny. ({})

4/30/2010 23:12 Why is it so hard to get that photo here to my IP? :)

4/30/2010 23:13 She is at work and could give a crap. Lol.

4/30/2010 23:15 Things better now?

4/30/2010 23:16 Fantastic. They are only going to get better. West is dreading next week.

4/30/2010 23:17 Ok we are moving a little faster than I had planned.

4/30/2010 23:22 Now you are slow (=|

4/30/2010 23:26 I move slow on issues that could cause problems. I over evaluate. But look it seems to work for me.

4/30/2010 23:28 Ok question-

4/30/2010 23:29 And I would only ask you

4/30/2010 23:30 Do you think I'm effective?

4/30/2010 23:32 I want your input but only when it is us.

4/30/2010 23:34 Believe it or not I do listen to you. You may think I blow you off but I pay very close attn to you. I may not do what you suggest but I do pay attn to it.

4/30/2010 23:34 Sometimes I do.

4/30/2010 23:35 Pam- really???

4/30/2010 23:36 Dang you just don't have any idea at all what goes on in my head.

4/30/2010 23:38 WTF.

4/30/2010 23:38 My phone is getting mad. >:O

4/30/2010 23:39 "I know u respect my input/opinion, but...u r the Major..."

4/30/2010 23:41 I so value what you say and your input. You are so bright I would be stupid to ignore it.

4/30/2010 23:43 ":$. I really try not to overstep my bounds, but it's hard when I care so much about the Patrol."

4/30/2010 23:44 You are the only one now in my current job that knows me. I make small talk with others but you are it.

4/30/2010 23:46 I have always been like that I just don't get tight with many people.

4/30/2010 23:48 But now as the Major I have to be careful not to show that to others. That is hard because I really like you so therefore I like being there.

4/30/2010 23:49 Dang this is killing me

4/30/2010 23:49 <3

4/30/2010 23:50 This dang typing I'm slow.

4/30/2010 23:51 You know it seems to flow better when I do this with you. Lol

4/30/2010 23:54 The convo. How many now?

4/30/2010 23:55 You are behind. Lol

4/30/2010 23:57 Just kidding we are actually close.

4/30/2010 23:59 Ok so remember I was surprised- I do value what you say. I depend on you very much so let me know what is on your mind. Ok(*)

5/1/2010 0:01 ({}) I need one.

5/1/2010 0:01 Tough week.

5/1/2010 0:03 That is the only thing keeping me smiling right now. Too much going on. <3

5/1/2010 0:05 =-c holla at me if you get bored. EC

5/1/2010 0:05 You singing.

5/1/2010 0:08 I like it.

5/1/2010 0:09 ({})

5/17/2010 15:38 Ok. :(

5/17/2010 15:39 Nope!!!!!

5/17/2010 15:41 How can it be fixed?

5/17/2010 15:45 Ok. I trust you ({}). West is trying really hard to make it better. I have to give him credit!

5/19/2010 22:49 Brian's new antennas!!!!!!

5/20/2010 13:59 Did u or west need another conference table? Fsg had James go find one.

5/25/2010 0:05 U were there for 9 years!!! It's going to be a long time before it's back like it needs to be!! U r a tough man to follow!

5/25/2010 0:05 That's what makes u a great Major!

5/25/2010 0:06 Yep!

5/25/2010 0:08 Oh yea!!!!! The gov and colonel wouldn't be calling on u if u weren't!!!!

5/27/2010 0:43 "I know u hate being pulled in so many dif directions, but it will all work out!"

5/27/2010 0:45 You've already done more at TSU than the last 3 Majors combined!!

5/27/2010 14:06 Fyi...Capt wants me to get up w Mikey. I've sent him a BBM.

5/29/2010 14:45 "The ""cat"" shooting?"

5/29/2010 14:48 I saw it this morning online. He doesn't deserve his job back. He is a flaming idiot.

5/29/2010 14:50 Ugghhhh. We need some good press!! How about having the MCCU at the Komen Race this July?

5/29/2010 14:50 "So, is that a ""no"" on the MCCU?"

5/29/2010 14:54 Ok ({})

5/29/2010 14:56 "Its not bad for ""us"". I think even the public agrees he should have been fired. He just happened to work for ""us""."

5/29/2010 15:03 "I know, I know...but I ALWAYS try to find something positive in a shitty situation...I understand how it works. The public and media have WAY to much say so in what the Patrol does! Can't we tell the media to go f**k themselves???"

6/1/2010 10:48 "Will u find someone to unlock my office, please:) FSG should have a key."

6/1/2010 15:49 "Yes at unc tower nr chatham orange line and in siler city. The county has only the ""seed"" radios bought with DHS money though."

6/2/2010 21:05 It doesn't start until 1

6/9/2010 22:09 "WTVD did a better job than WRAL. Neither mentioned your 99.9 percent comment. Although, Tamera spoke to a LE ""expert"" who says this is not likely a ""trend"". She said that bc the ""brass"" and the organization have adopted stricter policies regarding ethics...bc of this, we are finding more of the ""bad"" apples."

6/9/2010 22:18 Not many...just that we have zero tolerance and these are serious allegations.

6/10/2010 20:28 What did wral want?

6/10/2010 20:35 Awwwwwww. ({}). Is Capt Taylor going to be ok for Troop C???

6/10/2010 20:36 "He in your ""circle""?"

6/10/2010 20:37 "Ok, but he will be fine?"

6/14/2010 22:40 I can't help u with west...go off!! ;)

6/14/2010 22:46 Sounds like a plan! We need to get the game plan together on these positions!

6/14/2010 22:48 "That only makes sense! I don't try to be overbearing, but I am the one who has been at TSU longer than west, blanks, and cam...I only want what's best for the unit!!!!!!"

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