Holiday assistance program shines 'light of hope' on homeless children in Cumberland County

Akilah Davis Image
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Holiday assistance program helps homeless children in Cumberland County
Teachers, parents and students are rallying behind a program that aims to fill the Christmas wishlists of children in need.

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (WTVD) -- Decking the hallways at Alma Easom Elementary School are wish lists for children in need.

The holiday assistance program called 'Give the Gift of Light' allows people to anonymously purchase gifts for homeless families.

"You just want to brighten up a child's Christmas," said Cumberland County Schools Social Worker Cheryl Mitchell. "Children, of course, ask for toys. Parents ask hygiene products, linen and pillows."

There are hundreds of students listed as homeless within Cumberland County Schools.

The holiday assistance program aims to help parents who otherwise wouldn't be able to provide for the children during Christmas.

"It's nice to know a child can open a present Christmas morning. Nice to know they are thought of," said Principal Rebecca McAlister.

A humble reminder, when things get dark you can always give the gift of light.

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