RALEIGH, NC (WTVD) -- Operation Fan Heat Relief is underway across North Carolina. The program distributes fans from May 1 - Oct. 31 for people 60 and older as well as adults with disabilities.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services' Division of Aging and Adult Services is partnering with N.C. Area Agencies on Aging and local service providers to distribute thousands of fans.
The program is made possible by donations from Duke Energy Carolinas, Duke Energy Progress, Dominion Resources and the Valassis Giving Committee, which allow regional area agencies on aging, and provider agencies to purchase fans for eligible individuals.
"This year we're getting about $85,000 and we operate in 95 out of 100 counties," said Steven Freedman, Chief of Service Operations with the Division of Aging and Adult Services.
"The purpose of the program is to assist older adults and adults with disabilities who are at-risk during the hot summer months and provide heat relief and reduce the number of heat-related illnesses that these vulnerable populations are subject to," Freedman said.
Last year, the division distributed 5,033 fans and 27 air conditioners. For details on eligibility, contact your local area agency on aging or local senior center.