BRAWL ON THE PLANE: Fight breaks out between 2 passengers on American Airlines flight to Miami

Saturday, May 26, 2018

MIAMI, Florida -- An American Airlines flight headed to Miami International Airport from Saint Croix turned into a boxing ring after a fight broke out between two passengers.

Bill Bolduc, a witness and passenger, recorded the fight Wednesday and told WSVN that it all stemmed from an unruly passenger asking for more alcohol.

"He was asking for more beer and more alcohol," he said.

In the video, you can hear a flight attendant deny the passenger's request.

Seconds later, another passenger got involved to help out.

Bolduc told WSVN that the instigator continued to lash out.

"Hitting the chair, swearing, yelling at other passengers, spitting at people at some point," said Bolduc.

The unruly passenger was taken into custody after the plane landed in Miami.