The biggest increase in spending will go towards academically gifted, literacy programs, foreign languages and global technologies.
The /*budget*/ equates to spending $2,447/student or a 12 percent increase per student over last year. The budget overall is an 18 percent increase over last year.
One change for high school students includes increasing parking fees from $125 to $150. School Board Member Ron Margiotta is the only the board member to /*vote*/ against the budget. He called an 18 percent increase in a tough economy outrageous and doesn't believe it's the right time to ask to increase /*taxes*/.
Eleanor Goettee called the budget, "a budget of need."
Beverly Clark says it's a budget of "aspiration."
Lori Millberg says she believes the citizens are ready to ante up, saying Wake County has a low property tax rate as it is and she believes parents will support the request.
The county commissioners will get the request during a meeting in Mid-May. In the past commissioners have accused the school board of wasteful spending.