Raleigh, Durham receive anti-gang money

RALEIGH Raleigh and Durham will share millions of dollars of an anti-gang grant. Tuesday Raleigh and Durham law enforcement officials accepted $2.5 million dollars.

UNC student, Eve Carson may not have been a gang target, but experts say her alleged killers may have been part of the Triangle's growing gang life.

"Too many children are growing up today with helplessness, hopelessness, they don't think there's a future for them, and as a result they're finding themselves in gang activity," said Raleigh Police Chief Harry Dolan. He attended the announcement along with a long list of Wake and Durham County officials.

U.S. Deputy Attorney General Mark Filip announced both cities will get $1.25 million dollars to attack their problem areas; Northeast and Central Durham and Southeast Raleigh.

"What this grant will do is provide us some overtime funds to make certain that we're increasing enforcement in those areas that have found themselves all too long plagued by gang violence." Dolan said.

Tim Henderson, an administrator with the Durham Anti-Gang Program has a specific use for the money in Durham. "The intervention and the prevention, that's where we want to direct our efforts to provide opportunity for youth."

Gang prevention is the word on everyone's lips, but officials hope they can tackle family life as well. "Individuals who choose that type of life, there are some issues that are underlying like disconnect from school, disconnect from family," Henderson said. "We want to make those connections; we want to put those connections back in place."

Officials estimate there are 3000 gang members in Raleigh and Durham. They hope some money will fund community organizations that help prevent and rehab current gang members.

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