Former /*Sanderson High School*/ teacher /*Shannon Best*/, 33, pleaded guilty to both charges against her in a /*Wake County*/ courtroom Wednesday morning.
The judge sentenced her to 18 months probation and no contact with children under 18 unless in public or with another adult present.
In April, Best was accused of having sex with a student. Court documents revealed two students apparently spent the night at the teacher's apartment and Best also sent nude pictures of herself to one the students from her cell phone.
According to a search warrant, the girls slept over at Best's apartment so she could take them to a track meet.
At some point during the sleep over, a digital picture was taken, allegedly showing Best kissing one of the students.
The search warrant also indicated that the student allegedly involved in the sexual relationship with Best is 18-years-old.
A school official and the law says even though the student is legally an adult, the alleged activity by a teacher is a crime.
Best resigned from her job at the school in early April.
On Wednesday, the judge also said Best can no longer have contact with the student she was involved with.