In order to get a search warrant invesigators must write affidavits explaining why they think there is probable cause to make a search. Those affidavits often contain sensitive information about the case. In the seal order, Wake Chief Resident Superior Court Judge Don Stephens writes, "That the release of this information will jeopardize the right of the State to prosecute a defendant or the right of a defendant to a fair trial or will undermine an ongoing or future investigation… "
Nancy Cooper, 34, was reported missing by a friend on the afternoon of Saturday, July 12. Her huband, Brad, was apparently the last person to see her. He told police she went jogging that morning at seven A.M., but never returned. Investigators say the crime is isolated, not random. And in a petition filed last week seeking custody of the Cooper's two you daughters, Nancy Cooper's father, Garry Rentz and sister, Krista Lister, say they don't believe Nancy ever went jogging, that Brad Cooper was unfaithful and that they fear he may harm or abduct the children. Rentz and Lister were granted temporary emergency custody and have take the children to their home in Canada for Nancy's funeral this week. They will have to return in time for another custody hearing on Friday.
The allegations in the petition, investigators' statements that the crime is not random, and their search of the home, along with a court order for Brad Cooper's DNA, have focused specualtion and attention on him. But late last week Brad Cooper's attorney called the focus on his client "wild speculation" and said that Cooper has told police he did not kill his wife. Brad Cooper's attorney, Seth Blum, tells Eyewitness News Brad will also not attend Nancy's funeral in Canada.
"He doesn't want to distract from Nancy's memory. He wants the focus to be on her, not him. He plans a private service here with friends," he said.