It's been more than a month since Rosemary died. At the time of the murder, Reverend Sam Wynn was a pastor at Holland's United Methodist Church in Raleigh.
Investigators say he remains a person of interest but the Hoke County Sheriff's Office says there are several other persons of interest including Rosemary's son --Sam Wynn's stepson, Anthony Jackson.
Chief Investigator John Kivett says the Methodist minister has been cooperating with his office, except when it comes to taking a lie detector test.
"We will not look at the polygraph test that was done privately because law enforcement was not able to administer the questions that we needed answered," Chief of Detectives Capt. John Kivett said.
Investigators say they are aware of Jackson's lengthy criminal record; however they say that doesn't make him responsible for the crime.
"He actually came from out-of-state to conduct the test and did fine on it," Kivett said. "He is still a person of interest; however, he did pass the polygraph."
Kivett reminds the public Hoke County's investigation isn't like a CSI T.V. show where crimes are solved in an hour after the evidence is processed in minutes.
"You have to understand that there's only one lab for the State of North Carolina and very little bit of evidence that we collect goes to that one lab. So sometimes it takes months for us to get evidence back on something," Kivett said.
He says after all the evidence is processed, it will be up to Hoke County District Attorney Kristy Newton to decide what charges to file.
"Sam Wynn is still a person of interest. Anthony Jackson is still a person of interest. And we have several others. But no, we do not have enough information at this time to make an arrest on this case," Kivett said.
Investigators are waiting for results from a number of tests and the final autopsy report before presenting the case to the D.A.