Cynthia Glace lives in a Brier Creek apartment complex.
"This is the first I saw of it," she said in response to a flyer about a string of burglaries in the area. "Yeah, it was like a month ago."
Looking at the flyer posted Wednesday, she said she is surprised to see there has been a rash of burglaries and car break-ins. "It's supposed to be nice, and it's gated."
But recently the gate was broken, and she said it all started a month ago outside her door. "A lot of the break-ins were in front of our apartment window so we saw the police all over in front of the apartment building, and then when my husband left for work, he was like the gate is all damaged."
"I'm assuming people barged in broke the gate broke into a bunch of cars and then ran off," Glace said. "You can still see the side of the gate is missing, and this month, more of the same here at Ashley Park apartments."
Collins Clarkson is a another resident who isn't feeling too good about the recent rash of burglaries. "[I'm] Not feeling too safe," he said. "[I] guess someone just broke back in yesterday, guess all these apartment complexes having problems now."
One of Clarkson's neighbors is a victim. "He had a Mustang," Clarkson said. "Somebody broke his glass and tried to steal his radio."
But they are not the only targets, The Preserve Apartments, which are just a few blocks away, were also struck by thieves. The manager says two recent break-ins are the first they've seen in years.
Ashley Park Apartments put up another flyer on its property. It said the gate would be fixed between 5-7 weeks. For residents who live there, they say it's not soon enough, but they're more interested in catching the people responsible for the break-ins.
One resident says he has the solution. "First of all fix the gate, second of all have police patrolling around here [to] make sure the apartments are safe," he recommended. "Next they might try to start breaking into peoples apartments."
The most recent break-ins are not the first for the Brier Creek area. Last month, police arrested five people for 35 car break-ins that happened in January.
Police say most of the crimes happen overnight and many of the cars are left unlocked.