Huckabee campaigns for McCain in Raleigh

RALEIGH Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee rallied voters in Raleigh Wednesday.

"I'm telling you there's some enthusiasm out here for the McCain-Palin ticket," Huckabee said.

He got a long applause from Raleigh republicans as he stumped for votes for Presidential Nominee John McCain.

"What we have to do is to make sure that if there are people who even are thinking about voting for John McCain and Sarah Palin, we don't let them stay home that day," he said. "Tell them you'll pick them up, you'll drive them to the polls."

The former preacher now has his own popular cable news show and some of Wednesday's supporters think he can push McCain to the top come election day.

"I think there's a lot at stake here. It's, yes, the economy, but I'm very concerned about our military," McCain supporter Donna Williams said.

Huckabee acknowledged McCain's sagging numbers, but says if the republican hopeful can focus on economic differences, republicans could see a Tar Heel victory.

"If you think the role of government is to sort of manipulate the economy by taking money that some people have earned, and giving it to people who haven't earned it, then Obama's your man," Huckabee said. "If you think that people ought to be able to go and work and put food on their family's table and not have the government interfere and decide what's too much or too little, then John McCain is your person."

Before heading to Charlotte, Huckabee hinted he could make another run for the presidency come the next election.

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