Home show offers money saver advice

RALEIGH A lot of people are trying to do just that at the Raleigh Spring Home Show this weekend.

The thought among shoppers is, if you're going to spend money on your home, why not spend it on something that will save you money in the long run.

Nora Liberatore says she and her husband came to the home show at Raleigh's Convention Center for some money saving ideas.

"Our house is 30 years old, so we're doing whatever we can to try to make it a more efficient house," Liberatore said.

At the show, companies are selling just about everything for your house, but its higher priced items like windows and insulation getting the attention.

Customers like Mike McConnell are looking to save money in these tough times. He says for him that means spending money first on insulation.

"We want to have a house that is very good at energy efficiency," McConnell said.

Homeowners can even get a tax credit if you spend money making your home more energy efficient.

Click here to visit the federal tax credits for energy efficiency Web site for more information.

Ben Bass with Window Siding Roofing Experts says windows and doors alone can save homeowners in the long run.

"They get up to 30 percent of their investment back in a tax credit, maximum $1,500 so that's actually pretty good because it's a tax credit at the end," Bass said.

Customers can buy products or services at the show, just ask individual exhibitors for details.

The show is open till 8 p.m. Saturday and will be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the shows last day, Sunday. Tickets are $9 for adults and free for kids under 16.

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