Officer intended to sell fake shoes, handbags

HALIFAX COUNTY Deputies searched the couple's home on April 21, 2009 and discovered 94 pairs of counterfeit Nike Shoes, three pairs of counterfeit Bape shoes, one pair of counterfeit Timberland boots, 13 counterfeit Coach handbags, and two counterfeit Dolce & Gabana handbags.

The items are worth $13,560.

Lynch, who is a corrections officer for the Virginia Department of Corrections, is charged with felony conspiracy and felony criminal use of counterfeit trademarks.

She was arrested and then released on a $5,000 bond. Her court date is scheduled for July 5.

Deputies say their investigation stemmed over several months and was prompted by citizen complaints about large amounts of drugs and counterfeit items being sold at the couple's home.

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