Cary hit by car thefts

CARY Authorities are asking the public for help in locating two suspects who allegedly broke into vehicles near Electra Drive between 11 p.m. on Sunday and 3 a.m. Monday.

Police said the suspects went through the area and tried the locks on several vehicles.

Some of the items stolen were recovered as the suspects fled the scene and have been returned.

The suspects are described as two white men. One is described as between 6 feet and 6 feet 2 inches tall and about 175 to 180 pounds. He has a light colored beard, fair skin, sandy blond hair and was last seen wearing a white and green ball cap, white T-shirt, blue denim jeans with a black backpack.

The second suspect is described as between 5 feet 8 inches tall and 5 feet 10 inches tall, about 160 to 165 pounds with a darker complexion and dark-colored hair. He was last seen wearing dark clothing.

To help prevent these types of crimes, the Town of Cary Police Department reminds drivers to:

  • Never leave a firearm in an unattended vehicle.
  • Park in well lighted areas.
  • Always roll up the windows and lock the car, even when it is in front of your home.
  • Hide items from view - If you have a trunk place these items there. If you have an SUV with an open back consider the glove box or other storage bin underneath the seats.
  • Limit buying expensive items and leaving them in your car for long periods of time.
  • Never leave GPS units/ mounts visible when vehicle is unattended.
  • Remove after market stereo equipment from the dash.
  • Take care not to leave personal identification in your vehicle.
  • If you have an alarm on your vehicle – activate it before leaving your vehicle.
If you have information about the suspects contact Crime Stoppers at 226-CRIM(E) or contact Sgt. Randy Byrd at (919) 380-2133 or visit Crime Stoppers pays up to $2,500 for the arrest or indictment of those responsible for committing certain types of crimes.

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