Students at the school are still mourning their deaths, but the school felt it was important to remind them of the dangers of drinking and driving with the hope of preventing another tragedy.
Officials created a mock demonstration at West Johnston High School Thursday to hopefully show firsthand the tragedy that often happens around prom time.
"Not enough kids know about the things that come with drinking and driving," Senior and SADD Program member Michael Jordan said.
The accident that killed Kosmos and Chenette did not involve alcohol or drugs, but the tragedy is still on the minds of those who participated in Thursday's exercise.
"The message became more important," Senior and SADD Program member Nancy Ormond said. "It became more real and everything seemed to be more realistic."
"It's important to us to get the point across if we can just get one to make the right decision and not end up in a tragic accident," Training EMS Officer Richard McCleod said.
McCleod was not only part of Thursday's demonstration, he responded to Monday's accident scene. He says those who were also at the scene are still shaken by what they saw.
"We have a soft spot in our chest; we're trying to swallow the lump that's in the back of our throat," McCleod said.
Meanwhile, West Johnston High School's prom was held at the Sheraton Raleigh Hotel Thursday. Students said they would be thinking of Kosmos, whose visitation was also on the same say.
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