Goff's son Sgt. Jeff Seliga is with the 5th Striker Battalion. The Fort Lewis troops are fighting in some of the most dangerous areas of Afghanistan.
For the past five years, Goff has collected items for care packages almost single handily and has sent hundreds to her son's battalion.
"We have a lot of these soldiers who get no packages from home," Goff said. "I adopted two when they were in Afghanistan the first time."
Her Raleigh office is currently filled with hundreds of plastic boxes. Most are filled with some socks, toiletries, canned fruit, candy and a little bit of home, but many are still empty.
Goff says she hoped to get over 3,000 pounds of care package goodies to Fort Bragg to be shipped to Afghanistan, but ran into a lot of bureaucratic flak that kept her plans on the ground. She says a tight economy cut down donations and increased shipping cost.
Goff is also on a deadline, because her office building is being remodeled and she has to have all the boxes out by next Saturday, even if she has nowhere to store them.
"People donated this money, I guarantee whatever I have to do this will go to the soldiers, I promise," Goff said.
She says she doesn't want the packages to get lost or side-tracked among the tons of military supplies being shipped each day.
ABC11 Eyewitness News has contacted the Army and Air Force commanders who are now working to get Goff's care packages shipped out.
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