Weather, money impacting repaving projects

RALEIGH ABC11 Eyewitness News has learned the project is behind schedule and more expensive than anticipated.

No one is happy about it, especially business owners in Five Points.

"Everybody talks about it, they say I'm not going to go down Glenwood until they finish the paving," Acquisitions, Ltd. business owner Ross Spain said. "The problem now is an even worse problem than what was there before."

The stretch of Glenwood from Wade avenues to I-440, or close to it, has been under construction for months.

It's a repaving project many say should have happened years ago and that should be further along than it is. Bowman says that's because the contractor got a late start.

However, he says the project will take longer than expected anyway, because some of the concrete under the old asphalt is in such bad shape.

"When you see that, you spend more time and money repairing what's under there, but you don't know that until you uncover it," DOT Division 5 Engineer Wally Bowman said.

The plan was to do the project in phases -- five sections that would have been done one after the other, if a harsh winter hadn't changed the plan.

"We made a conscious decision, because of the potholes out there that we were going to go ahead and try to mill off more than one area and see if it rode better," Bowman said.

And it did for a while, but it also contributed to the rough conditions leading some to wonder if that was the right decision after all.

The project was supposed to be completed by mid-June, but now, there is no way to know.

Officials say because of that, the cost will go up. The original bid came in at $1.8 million.

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