Last month, ABC11 Eyewitness News discovered sex offenders living in North Carolina, but not registered in North Carolina --32 of them in Wake, Durham and Cumberland counties alone.
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The loophole allowed offenders convicted or released from prison before 1996 --who moved to North Carolina before December of 2006-- to not register.
After the I-Team exposed the loophole, Representative Tim Moore (R-Cleveland County) promised to help close it.
Representative Moore introduced the bill in the Legislature that would fix the legal loophole. House Bill 726 would require sex offender registration for out of state convictions.
On Tuesday, a Senate committee unanimously passed an amendment to close the loophole and require registration for out of state convictions.
"I really appreciate you guys getting to this story," Rep. Tim Moore said. "Had you not called me I would not have known that we needed to file this bill and this law needed to be changed."
The bill now goes to the full Senate and then the House for approval.
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