It is standard procedure for the SBI to investigate during an officer involved shooting.
Investigators say the incident began as a traffic stop around 11 p.m. An officer spotted a red Ford Mustang that had been reported stolen and attempted to make a traffic stop on Murchinson Road near FSU.
"As he was attempting to pull the suspect, the suspect turned off of Murchison Road onto Coley Drive and pulled into a driveway and jumped out and ran," police spokesperson Dan Grubb said. "The officer asked him to stop several times. The suspect continued to run and at some point guns were drawn and there was gunfire exchanged."
Police have not said who fired first, but the unidentified suspect was hit and transported to Cape Fear Valley Medical Center. His condition is not known and police have not released his identity.
Monday's shooting is the second in the area in two days. The other shooting happened Sunday around 1 a.m. at the University Place Apartment complex on Murchison Road.
Senior Bransford Elmore was injured in that incident. Authorities say he was shot in the buttocks, and they believe his wound was self-inflicted.
Campus police responded to the scene and confirm Elmore was in possession of a gun.
FSU Chancellor Dr. James Anderson told ABC11 Eyewitness News the apartments are owned by a private firm and weapons are not allowed on the property.
Chancellor Anderson says the school plans on beefing up security on and around campus -- especially on the weekends.
The recent shootings have parents of some FSU students on edge.
"I mean, my mother was like you should transfer, but I was like crime happens anywhere so it's just about you've got to be smart and be safe," one student told ABC11 Tuesday.
Grubb says Monday's shooting appears to have nothing to do with FSU other than proximity.
"Right now it appears as though this had nothing to do with anything that happened at FSU," he said." It just happened in that location. It was a stolen vehicle. It had nothing to do with the college and just happened to be at that place at that time and he refused to stop for police."
Police say they will release the name of the suspect in Monday's shooting and the identity of the officer who shot him this afternoon.
The officer is on administrative duty pending the outcome of the SBI's investigation.
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