Fayetteville police spokesman Dan Grubb said Friday the pair left one note on a white paper napkin saying simply, "Thanks." Grubb says a second message etched into a wall Wednesday morning said the same thing, and added: "We love the stuff we got."
Police have charged Dajuan Marquis Avant and Darrell Sturdivant Jr. with breaking and entering, larceny, and other charges.
Both 19-year-olds are from Fayetteville and their bail was set at $2,500 each.
Fayetteville Police Chief Tom Bergamine thanked the citizens who initially spotted the suspects and called police. Bergamine says citizens witnessed two men leaving the home with large bags full of items and became suspicious.
"Because these neighbors took the time to watch what's going on in their area," Chief Bergamine said, "We were able to come in and recover the property and capture the two suspects responsible for the crime."
The homeowners told The Fayetteville Observer the stolen loot included a box of corn dogs, frozen chicken and beer. Other stolen items included electronics and clothes.
Police say the stolen goods totaled almost $5,000 but were recovered.
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