She says when she went to the Sharpsburg Town Hall to vote Tuesday, she was told she already did vote.
"What they said is I couldn't vote, but I could make a provisional vote," Smith said.
For 30 years, Smith says she has voted at the town hall.
She says she contacted the ABC11 Eyewitness News I-Team, because she figured something suspicious was unfolding in her town and wondered how many other people had the same problem.
"I find it hard to believe it was a clerical error out had my signature on it," Smith said.
State law does not require voters to show ID when they vote, but there are exceptions.
"If you did not give driver's license number and social security when you registered, the first time you vote you do have to have some form of ID, and have to have some form of ID if registered and voted in an early voting site," said Cherie Poucher with the Wake County Board of Elections.
Smith says she is just hoping her vote will count.
"I'm hoping WTVD will help me figure out what went wrong," she said.
The I-Team asked the director of the Board of Elections in Nash County to find out what went wrong.
John Kearney says there are two women named Martha Smith and the other Martha Smith voted early and did not verify her registration information.
The board will transfer the ballots and both women named Martha Smith will have their vote counted.
Meanwhile, the Republican Party says it plans to introduce legislation requiring voters to show an ID when they vote.
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