"There was one night I saw him coming by at 7 o'clock," she said.
Evening deliveries are unusual for Kron's neighborhood. But, when the delays continued for a few weeks, she figured there was a problem.
"I didn't put things in the mail because I thought it had already come and we just didn't get any mail. But in actuality, I could have mailed some bills or birthday cards to get them out on time," she said.
The delays can be blamed on the politicians say post office officials.
"Primarily, for last few weeks, we can attribute it mainly to the political mail," explained US Postal Service spokesperson Carl Walton.
But it wasn't just the political mail, A new automated system creating new routes also pushed deliveries later.
"So we're going through some growing pains right now with getting the new routes in order so we're asking patience from our customers until we get through these growing pains," said Walton.
Walton says in the end, the new system should make things run more efficiently, but residents can expect more delays during the holidays because of all the extra cards and parcels.
The new system should be ironed out by the first of the year.
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