Troubleshooter: A quest for internet service

PITTSBORO Travis Void says he recently moved to an area of Pittsboro where his neighbors had internet service, so he wanted it too.

Void says he would get flyers in the mail advertising internet service through CenturyLink.

"All I needed was the internet source so I could bring my network back up," Void said.

Void works from home, so he says DSL is vital to get his job done when he first moved in his new home. He says he called CenturyLink to sign up for the service.

"I call a salesperson they said it is available let me send you a modem," he said.

Once Void received the modem, he called CenturyLink.

"I called tech support, nothing happens not getting any internet," he said. "I called them, 'Oh, it's not available in your area.'"

Void says he got conflicting statements from different CenturyLink sales reps.

"They said they had it, and then they told me, 'No you can't get it in your area,' and I said, 'My mom and dad have it and they live right next door.'"

Frustrated, Void got in touch with ABC11 Eyewitness New I-Team Troubleshooter Diane Wilson, who reached out to CenturyLink.

"You getting involved was a big difference, because they kept calling me once you got involved," Void said.

CenturyLink contacted Void to let him know they could hook him up with internet service.

"As soon as I saw the internet light stay on I hooked it up and turned on all my devices and said, 'This is wonderful, I love this,'" Void said.

A representative with CenturyLink said when researching Void's issue they found they did originally tell him DSL was available in his area since his parents have it. But in his parents' case, CenturyLink found they were close enough to pull from equipment that can provide service, and they installed additional equipment and ran a DSL line for service.

For Void, they did the same process so he could get CenturyLink's service.

The rep also added CenturyLink is happy to look at each individual customer circumstances to provide them with the services they desire.

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