School fight caught on camera


But a recent incident that's now gone viral is raising concerns about school cell phone policies.

Punch by punch and blow by blow, a fight at Northern High was posted on YouTube site. It quickly became an internet sensation.

Parents tell ABC11 the scuffle raises questions about what's in the hands of almost every student - their cell phones.

The new technology and the popularity of social media have created new challenges for school systems.

There's little they can do about it. Legally, they can't stop kids from posting videos.

"It's a freedom of speech and all those things. If your kids have phones and they're doing these things, they're going to get themselves on video," said parent Mishele Tucker.

The school system says it enforces a strict cell phone policy to prevent embarrassing incidents from getting major attention.

in this case, all students involved were disciplined according to the school policy - including the student with the cell phone.

Still, some parents say tougher rules on sophisticated gadgets may be the way to go.

"They shouldn't allow cell phones while they're in school I don't think," offered parent Russell Norwood.

But for some, barring students from using their phones outside the classroom seems harsh - even if it's their son or daughter caught on candid camera.

"You can't restrict and say, well, you can't have phones at all because your image might get out on the net. It's something everybody has to worry about. You could be in the grocery store and someone put your picture on the net," said Tucker.

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