Newt Gingrich speaks to NC GOP


"We need a president who would like to be president!" Gingrich said.

And you get the sense from Gingrich he believes he's the person.

More than 900 Wake County GOP members hung on his every word, offering standing ovations while he blasted President Barack Obama.

"The spectator in chief shares with us his final four picks," Gingrich said.

During a briefing with Triangle journalists, Gingrich said the President's actions in Libya, with an unclear objective on what to do with Moammar Gadhafi, is an international mess.

"The President initially said he has to go," Gingrich said. "Then the White House said we didn't really mean it, then the French said they would lead the coalition, but they would only lead the coalition if the goal was not to replace Gadhafi."

On health care reform, the former speaker of the House believes Congress should draft a repeal immediately to force dissenting Democrats up for re-election to concede.

"There are 23 Democrats in the Senate up for re-election next year," Gingrich said. "Let's see if we can bring enough pressure on them from the grassroots that they cave."

Locally Gingrich asserted North Carolina needed a new governor, a Republican governor.

He also said the Tar Heel State is valuable to the next Republican presidential nominee, which he may hope to become.

"I think within four or five weeks we will probably have an announcement, but we have a couple of last pieces we make sure fall into place before we do that," he concluded.

Fifty of the Republicans in attendance paid $200 to meet Gingrich.

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