Loan modification process goes bad

When Eerica Flippin got an approval letter from Bank of America about a trial plan for a home modification program, she was thrilled.

"You make those payments, and you make them on time and that way they see you can make those payments and at that point you're approved for the modification," Flippen explained.

When she called Bank of America to her first payment in May, she said the representative told her about a credit on her account.

Flippin said she was told yes by five Bank of America representatives, including a supervisor.

"I wanted someone with high authority to give me some reassurance, and he said, 'No, we see you made the two payments. The credit and your payment combined make that monthly payment,'" Flippin said.

So, she continued with her June and July trial payments but then received a denial letter in the mail from Bank of America.

"Telling me I was not approved for the modification because I failed to make my 3 trial payments," Flippin said. "I thought, oh."

She appealed the decision, but she says that also was denied. That's when she contacted the Troubleshooter.

"It wasn't until I contacted the Troubleshooter that things started to progress," Flippin explained.

Her appeal was granted, but she's still waiting as Bank of America continues to review whether she gets approved for a permanent loan modification.

"Very frustrating, and it's still frustrating," she said. "I want permanent modification granted in a timely manner."

A representative with Bank of America apologized for Flippin's experience with the bank and admits a customer service representative incorrectly used a credit from her account to make her trial payment.

While her case is still under review, the representative adds Flippin should continue to make her trial payments.

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