City council approves St. Augustine's stadium plans


Football players attended the meeting at City Hall Tuesday, and St. Augustine's President Dianne Suber fired up the crowd.

"We think it is time and appropriate they have that experience," Suber said. "This institution is every bit as important as every other college in Raleigh."

The school is located in one of the city's older neighborhoods, and critics challenged testimony over increased noise and light pollution, traffic, and safety concerns.

"What I'm wondering is, what is the long range plan for 5-10 years from now?" homeowner Andy Mellanowski asked.

Others question the school's promise that the stadium will be used only 15 times a year, and that the school will keep the number of seats at 2,500 as promised.

"Everyone in America is concerned about money," homeowner Vernell Thompson said. "You're not going to tell me they're not going to come back with a special use permit request to rent the stadium out."

All seven council members voted for the stadium.

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