Shelter plans new life for paralyzed pet


"Our hope is for Scooter to be a therapy dog for children in wheelchairs, or handicapped people," Lead Shelter Attendant Jennifer Tracey said in a news release. "He seems to have the right personality for it."

Animal Control collected Scooter after a resident reported seeing him drag himself by his front legs.

"He came in with terrible drag sores. He has obviously been paralyzed for a while," said Tracey. "All we know is he can’t use his hind legs."

Tracey said she contacted the online organization,, and the animal shelter was offered a wheelchair free of charge.

Now that the dog is mobile, officials would like to find a way for him to help others who are disabled.

Failing that, Scooter is available for adoption to an owner willing to care for his special needs.

"The wheelchair goes with him when he is adopted," said Tracey. "We are emphasizing for potential adopters that Scooter needs a special kind of care."

Get more information about Scooter, or the dozens of other adoptable dogs and cats at the Cumberland County Animal Shelter, at: Or call (910) 321-6852.

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