A vigil for Martin was held outside Covenant Presbyterian Church in Durham Wednesday evening.
Many of the teenagers called to the front of the church were the same age as Martin. They prayed together after a rousing call for justice.
"We must weep until every Trayvon is treated like their young, gifted and black -- not chased down, beaten and attacked," said N.C. NAACP President Rev. William Barber.
The event was called a remembrance and reconciliation service on the anniversary of King's assassination on a hotel balcony.
The diverse group of outraged residents gathered to keep the spotlight on the case in Florida. Martin's shooting symbolizes another racial injustice of national scale to many in attendance.
"If we are America, if we are who we say we are, we cannot allow things like Trayvon to just pass by," said Durham resident Mary Scott.
"It's not just a racial thing. It's our children," said Chapel Hill resident Paul Ransford. "It's the violence in society in which we live and we're still dealing with that."
"We must fight and vote and work and demand until the whole system is changed," said Barber.
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