Police: No new leads in search for missing soldier


The pond was several miles from the Froggy Bottoms bar where Bordeaux was last seen early Saturday morning.

At a news conference Thursday afternoon, Fayetteville Police Chief Tom Bergamine said investigators do not have one solid piece of evidence into Bordeaux's disappearance.

Bergamine said they have received numerous tips on a special hotline. People with information are asked to call (910) 433-1114.

Police also released a copy of the original missing persons report Thursday for the 23-year-old that was filed by 28-year-old John Neighbors just after 1 p.m. Monday.

Click here to read the report (.pdf)

ABC11 has learned Neighbors is a member of Bordeaux's unit who officially filed the report with authorities.

Investigators have been combing the area from the bar on Ramsey Street up the Interstate 295 corridor because they said that's the last area where Bordeaux's mobile phone pinged a cell phone tower. Bergamine said they planned to re-search that area again Friday.

Bergamine said Wednesday that investigators have confirmed that Bordeaux's husband of two years was out of town when she disappeared.

The Orlando Sentinal reported he was in Florida visiting his father when Bordeaux was reported missing.

Police have twice questioned a registered sex offender about Bordeaux. In an exclusive interview with ABC11, 25-year-old Nicholas Holbert said he was at the bar with Bordeaux and later drove her home.

Holbert helps out at Froggy Bottoms and lives in a lean-to behind the building. He said he first met the woman earlier this year.

"She came into Froggy Bottoms a couple of weeks ago with a friend - male friend - and they was drinking and playing pool. And I asked if I could get next on the pool game. They said yes and that's how I met them, playing pool at the bar," said Holbert.

Holbert said he didn't know Bordeaux was married until police told him.

"I asked her if she was single, and she said 'Well, it's complicated,'" said Holbert.

Holbert said the only thing he's guilty of is making a friend. He maintained Bordeaux asked him to bring her to Froggy Bottoms Friday night where he helps tend the bar. He said something unusual happened when he drove her back to her home.

"Around one, one-thirty, she told me 'I'm tired. I want to go home.' I said 'Okay,' so we got in the car and as soon as I pulled into Meadowbrook, she said 'You stop right here and let me out. I'll walk,'" said Holbert.

The spot Holbert said he dropped off Bordeaux is about a quarter mile from her apartment on Water Trail Drive. He told ABC11 he figured there might be someone at the apartment she didn't want him to see, so he left.

Holbert said while Bordeaux was at the bar, she spent a lot of time on her cell phone.

"I don't think she called anybody, but she was texting at her phone all night to somebody," he said.

Holbert said he had nothing to do with the soldier's disappearance and wishes he could talk to her family.

"I'd just tell them, I'd tell them I'm grieving too. She seemed like a really nice and cool person. And I hate that she's missing and hope that she is found for their shake so they can get closure," he offered.

Holbert told ABC11 he believes he's been targeted by police because of his criminal record. He's a registered sex offender who was convicted as a 16-year-old of indecent liberties with a 5-year-old child.

Holbert has not been charged in Bordeaux's disappearance.

He spoke again with ABC11 Thursday after his second round of police questioning. He said one thing investigators asked him to do shocked him.

"He said 'Look in that camera and state if I killed Kelli Bordeaux then I deserve to die,'" said Holbert.

"You did that?" asked ABC11's Gilbert Baez.

"I did that," Holbert said.

"Did you kill her?" asked Baez.

"I did not," said Holbert.

"Did you have anything to do with her disappearance?" asked Baez.

"I had nothing to do it. I picked her up and took her home. That's it," said Holbert.

At his news conference Thursday evening, Chief Bergamine said there were no immediate plans to call Holbert in for a third round of questioning.

Family members described Bordeaux as 5' 1" tall and weighing 102 pounds. She has blond hair and brown eyes. She was reportedly last seen wearing a pink tube top with spaghetti straps and black shorts.

The Army said Bordeaux, whose full name is Kelli Marie Bordeaux, is assigned to the 601st Area Support Medical Company, 261st Multifunctional Medical Battalion, 44th Medical Brigade, as a health service specialist.

Bordeaux, a native of St. Cloud, Fla., joined the military in April 2011. She arrived at the unit in November 2011.

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