The governor of Mississippi called it insulting and ABC11 has learned that the two governors have spoken but Perdue did not directly apologize.
"I did tell him that after everyone spent their money, we'd tell them to go on to Mississippi because it's a great state but we had a good conversation about the policies that Mississippi tended to be more conservative and North Carolina more progressive," said Perdue. "I thought it was a good conversation and I enjoyed it."
However, despite that conversation, it appears Mississippi's governor would have liked an apology. Gov. Phil Bryant's office issued this statement Monday, "Gov. Phil Bryant did talk to Gov. Perdue, but unfortunately she did not directly apologize for her derogatory remarks about Mississippi. In their conversation Gov. Bryant reiterated he does not appreciate her using Mississippi in such a disparaging manner."
Meanwhile, Republican North Carolina gubernatorial candidate Pat McCrory said Monday that he doesn't think the marriage amendment was bad for the state, which is the point Perdue said she was trying to make in her original remarks.
"It's not a smart move to ridicule other states," said McCrory. "I never did that as mayor. It's a bad move to ridicule others. It's a good move to compete against others."
When asked about the Mississippi remark and surrounding controversy, Lt. Gov. Walter Dalton's office, would only tell ABC11 that Dalton voted against the amendment.
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