Bond set for driver in cyclist hit-and-run case


Jason Epstein, a 38-year-old competitive biker, was hit going southbound on Falls of Neuse Road, between Morrowcroft and Durant Roads, just after 3 p.m.

Police told ABC11 the vehicle driven by Banks struck the cyclist and dragged his bike about a quarter of a mile to the I-540 exit. As Banks was getting onto the exit, the bike fell out from underneath the vehicle.

Banks was later taken into custody.

In addition to the hit-and-run and DWI, Banks is also charged with driving with a fake license plate and not registering her vehicle, according to police.

Monday, a judge set Banks' bond at $26,000.

Banks is also charged with driving with a fake license plate and not registering her vehicle.

Epstein is recovering at home.

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