Cleanup continues at NCCU


Campus police said 21-year-old Kenneth Drake was denied entry into a building on campus to take the SAT because he did not have the proper identification required. Drake allegedly pulled the fire alarm, causing thousands of gallons of water to rain down inside the Mary Towns Science Building.

It has been four days since the incident occurred, but leaders are scrambling to clean up the mess.

"It's in excess of $100,000. There's damage to the computers, software equipment, hard drives, the flooring, tile, and to the building itself," NCCU police Chief Timothy Bellamy said.

In addition to the physical damage the incident caused, nearly 300 students who were inside the building to take the SAT must now make arrangements to take the test again.

"Actually they were in the process of beginning the test. They were seated. Because the sprinkler system went off, the students that were taking the test had to be evacuated from the building," Bellamy said. "As a result those students were not allowed to take the test."

Those who use and work in the building everyday are also making due until the mess is cleaned up.

"We've had to move some of our classes around. Some of our faculty offices have been impacted. We've had to move offices temporarily as well," NCCU public relations director Ayana Hernandez said.

Drake was arrested and remains in the Durham County Jail, facing a number of charges.

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