Police were called to Nickerson's friends home for a disturbance call.
"He was like put your arms behind your back.. and I was like no I haven't done anything wrong. He held me down.. punched me repeatedly in my face and head," Nickerson described.
Armed with community activist, Nickerson's friends -who also say they witnessed the alleged attack-showed up at Durham's Police Headquarters Friday. Witness Bryan Jackson said it was the first time he was able to talk to someone in a higher position.
They hand delivered a letter to Durham's Police Chief and City Council Members calling for the officer to be removed from duty immediately and that criminal charges are brought against him.
So far, there are no plans to place Officer Brian Schnee on desk duty pending the outcome of an internal affairs investigation.
Durham Police Chief Jose Lopez said the police department started investigating this incident when it happened but that internal investigation has hit a road block.
"At this point in time, we are waiting for the complainant and we're waiting for that video so that we can further our investigation," Lopez said.
Nickerson says she's waiting to obtain an attorney before handing over the cell phone video captured during the scuffle.
She also alleges she was left to suffer at the Durham County jail. The head magistrate tells ABC-11 Nickerson appeared to be intoxicated to the point where she was placed in a holding cell until she could be legally booked. Nickerson denies that claim.
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