The course is offered by Triangle Krav Maga.
Krav Maga is the system of self defense hand-to-hand combat skills taught to Israeli secret agents. Triangle Krav Maga combines that with firearm training.
Now, the center is offering a free gun training course for school teachers. Instructors said they are seeing interest from all across the Triangle.
"Ever since we posted that we're offering free classes for teachers- we've been absolutely crushed, inundated. Teachers want to learn about firearms," Triangle Krav Maga's Molotov Mitchell said.
Since the massacre in Newtown, gun training classes for educators have popped up from Utah to Texas. Gun rights activists are lobbying the General Assembly to allow teachers with concealed carry permits to be armed on campus.
Triangle Krav Maga preaches that when it comes to guns and violence, knowledge is power.
"I think the more you know about potential attackers- about criminals, and the way they go about their business- the better you can be prepared for when that day comes," Triangle Krav Maga's Scott Woods said.
The free gun training course will be held Sunday. It is eight hours long and already has a waiting list.
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