UNC sexual assault victim could face expulsion


Landen Gambill filed a federal complaint against UNC for its handling of sexual assault cases on campus. Now, that same system could forced Gambill out of school.

That's why several campus groups organized an emergency meeting Tuesday evening. Students and faculty turned out on campus to show support for Gambill.

Gambill and others have publicly criticized UNC for its handling of sexual assault cases, accusing the school of underreporting rapes.

Now, Gambill's alleged attacker has filed a complaint with the school's honor court. The complaint accuses Gambill of intimidating her ex-boyfriend.

Gambill said she believes he received help from a university official.

"The more I found out about what the actual charge was I just realized that this is ridiculous," said Gambill. "I never mentioned his name publicly. All I've done is talk about the university's mistreatment of survivors."

The university denies Gambill's claims that she's been targeted for speaking out, saying in part, "Administrators may not encourage or prevent the Student Attorneys General from filing charges in a specific case. Given that these charging decisions are made by Student Attorney Generals and not by campus administrators, a claim of retaliation by the University would be without merit."

Late Tuesday, Chancellor Holden Thorp issued this statement: "Student well-being is one of the most pressing issues in higher education today. The Carolina community cares deeply about all of our students, including both students in this specific matter. If we are to achieve the ultimate goal of eliminating sexual assault and violence from this campus, we must all work together."

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