McCrory has yet to sign that bill, but has said that he will. He could be doing that very soon. However, until that pen hits the paper, Cooper, who is a Democrat, hopes signatures on an online petition will change the governor's mind.
The bill would, among many things, require a photo ID at the polls, would make early voting days longer, but shorten the number of early voting days, and stop same-day registration.
"I sent the governor a letter telling him this was a bad idea," said Cooper.
First, Cooper did it in a letter, and soon in an online petition.
"This is just another way people can be heard," said Cooper.
Rep. Paul Stam supports the changes to election laws, and voted in favor of those changes. However, that's not the main reason he says he's against the attorney general pushing the petition.
"I thought it was very strange that the attorney general's political committee is asking people to ask the governor to veto a bill which the attorney general will then have to defend in court under his statutory duties," said Stam.
Cooper says his duty is to the people, and he hopes to collect enough signatures to change the governor's mind before he signs the bill.
That petition is still in its beginning stages, but it's on
» Click here to see the petition. «
Cooper says he's hoping for as many signatures as it takes to convince McCrory to veto the bill.
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