FAYETTEVILLE, NC (WTVD) -- A Cumberland County mom is demanding answers after her 6-year-old daughter was put on the wrong school bus.
"Tears. Tears. I'm just crying and they're on the bus saying, 'calm down, we'll find her," said Latoya Bowser. "I said to her 'no, my baby is supposed to be on the bus.'"
Her daughter is a first-grade student at Cliffdale Elementary School. The teachers found Bowser's daughter, and after they reunited she vowed to forgive the school district until another situation happened. Against school policy, her daughter was let off the school bus with no guardian around
"It's crazy out here," said Bowser. "I just thank God that three little girls picked up instead of some nasty pervert."
Cumberland County schools released this statement:
"We are following up with Cliffdale Elementary School to ensure that students are properly released at bus stops. Student safety is of the utmost importance to us as we work daily to ensure their safe travels to and from our schools."
Bowser isn't appeased.
"They put my child's life in danger and no sorry will fix that," she said.