Man learns to style wife's hair after stroke leaves her unable to do it herself

ByJulie Scagell for Babble WTVD logo
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Adorable video shows man learns to style wife's hair
After the video went viral, Andrew said he wanted the focus to be on the people at the salon who helped him.

This story originally appeared on Babble and is reprinted with permission.

We all want to find a love that lasts forever; someone who we can care for and grow old with through the decades. These days, it seems that true love stories have been something we've only seen in the movies - that is, until a hair salon posted a touching video of two of their customers and it became crystal clear that this kind of love really does exist for some.

Corbin Shullanberger, one of the owners of The Foundry Salon in New Braunfels, Texas, posted this sweet video to their Facebook page of a husband learning how to do his wife's hair - and I dare you to watch it and not ball your eyes out from sheer happiness.

"Proof that true love really exists," wrote Raigen Kelly, the stylist who posted the video. "She can no longer style her hair herself and her husband insisted on learning how to do it for her step by step."

I'll pause while you go get more tissues.

Andrew and Theresa of San Antonio, Texas, have been through a lot together in their 45-year marriage. Their son, Steve, tells Babble that his parents have always been very loving and have taught their three kids to show that same respect and love to their own spouses and children.

"My dad has always worked his tail off," says Steve. "He's never expected or asked for anything. He traveled all the time as a salesman for an electrical company and gave everything he had to his family and his church."

He's also taken care of wife, Theresa, who suffered a stroke 18 years ago.

On Mother's Day, their kids chipped in to get their mom a gift certificate to The Foundry Salon, a family favorite, to have her hair done.

"Most of the family goes to the Foundry and my mom wanted some volume in her hair," says Steve.

She went and was thrilled with the result - but as any woman knows, as soon as you wash your hair, it never looks like it does in the salon.

So, her husband decided to go back to the salon and buy all the products they used to see if they could recreate the look at home. When they got there, stylist Andrea Gomez asked Andrew if he'd like a lesson instead, since his wife isn't able to do her hair by herself.

"Instead of buying all this product," says Steve, "Andrea stepped in and said, 'Why don't I teach you how to do it?'"

"From products to the way you hold the brush and dryer ... truly one of the best things I have been able to witness in my life," wrote Kelly. "Brought tears to my eyes ... What an amazing man and what a lucky woman."

As you might imagine, Steve says his parents have always had a deep connection.

"Ever since my mom's stroke, she's always wanted him by her side," says Steve. And so, he is, taking time away from her only a few hours a day to drive a school bus.

Steve says when he told his parents about the now-viral video (which has already been viewed over 2 million times!), they were shocked.

"My dad said, 'Don't make this about us. It's not about us - it's about the Foundry folks helping us out,'" he reports.

Does anyone else want to road trip with me down to Texas to hug this man? I can leave tonight.

I also asked Steve if his dad had the hang of her hair yet.

"He must have done something with it because they came over last night and it looked pretty good," he joked.

A true love story for the ages.

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