FORT BRAGG, N.C. (WTVD) -- With the new year comes a new invitation to commissaries, post exchanges and recreational facilities across the Department of Defense.
More than 4.1 million additional veterans who are Purple Heart recipients, former POWs and veterans with service-related disabilities will have access to these services starting New Year's Day. Additionally, family caregivers of qualified vets will be able to shop on their behalf.
"It's a privilege and it was a privilege for them to do more than the average person would typically do to protect and defend our country. Having access to these resources is absolutely incredible," said Army Reservist CPT Elizabeth Reid. "You get incredible sales especially at the end of seasons when things change. We get some banging prices of some of the clothing and electronic items."
Qualified veterans will also be able to use services offered by morale, welfare and recreation.
Before shopping at Post Exchanges, qualified veterans and caregivers must obtain a veteran health identification card. Contact the Veteran Affairs office for help.