Parents, avoid the Halloween headaches - plan ahead

Joel Brown Image
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Halloween fun, safety begins with a plan
Good advice for parents to ensure a fun Halloween.

Children may encounter some scary surprises on Halloween night.

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Hospital emergency rooms reported more than 700,000 Halloween-related injuries involving children and teens between 2007 and last year.

In many cases, kids are getting head or hand injuries.

A little planning will make for a fun and safe Halloween.

So as children get ready to trick or treat, parents should be preparing, too.

"Before you leave the house, make sure you talk to your kids about what the plan is for the evening," said Cristine DeRonja, Executive Director of SafeChild NC.

DeRonja also suggests:

Start by laying out the ground rules with your kids

  • Map out your route.

  • Set a time limit.

Make sure your kids are visible

  • Use flashlights, glow sticks, some type of reflector on their costume.

Trick or treat in groups. But, not just groups of young children

"(It's important) that they have adult supervision or at least an older teenager, 16 years or older going with them," DeRonja said.

SafeChild recommends staying in familiar neighborhoods. That way, other parents you know can help supervise.

But no matter the neighborhood, your kids should politely knock on the door and stay outside.

"Children don't ever need to go inside of a neighbor's house, even if they know them," DeRonja said.

She also suggested to take your time. If your kids are sprinting around the neighborhood, they're bound to fall and get hurt -quickly ruining the evening.

And of course, go through every piece of candy with your children when you get home. Anything that looks suspicious or has an open wrapper, toss it in the trash.

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