WAKE COUNTY (WTVD) -- On Sunday evening, family and friends of Chandra Green gathered together. They didn't band together for a celebration or special occasion. They banded together at WakeMed Hospital to pray 41-year-old Green will pull through an accident that left her with serious injuries.
"My mom is a fighter, so we'll get through," said Chandra's daughter, Shantera. "We just ask people to pray at this time right now."
The accident happened on 40 westbound around 6:00 a.m. Sunday morning.
Green was trying to get to work when troopers say 21-year-old Julia Fritschel, a student, plowed into her car. The impact caused Green's PT Cruiser to burst into flames.
North Carolina National Guardsman Sgt. Robert L. McLymore Jr. was off duty at the time but saw the fiery crash and jumped in to help the woman trapped in the car. He assisted two deputies, including Wake County Sheriff's Deputy David Randolph-Junius, in saving Green's life.
Fritschel was reportedly leaving a friend's house in Raleigh and thought she was on US-64.
Troopers said Fritschel was driving while impaired.
This is the second time in less than a year Fritschel was charged with DWI. In May, police say she was pulled over by NC State and blew a .10. She was scheduled to make a first appearance in court on that DWI charge Monday afternoon.
"It's not the first time. It's the second time and she needs to serve her time," said Shantera. "You don't know who you're damaging, what family you're damaging and what they will go through. I want her justice to be served. I want this person to suffer."
Green was on her way into work at Burger King.
Shantera was sleeping Sunday morning when a police officer called to say her mom was seriously injured in a head-on crash.
"All I could do was cry. I was crying on the way here ," said Shantera.
Green underwent surgery late Sunday and is last listed in serious condition.
Fritschel has been charged in the accident, but she has not yet been booked. The 21-year-old is also at WakeMed receiving care. Fritschel was last listed in fair condition.
More charges are pending.