If your child is featured in a viral video or social media post and you don't know what to do next, there are some options to get the content removed.
For a post on social media, start with asking the person who posted the video or picture to remove it. If that doesn't work or you don't know the person posting, report the post. Whether the post is available on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, or another site, these companies all have options to report a post and have it removed.
Facebook has its own guide to reporting offensive or inappropriate content. Click here to read more.
Next, you'll want to remove it from search engines. Click here to learn how to do that.
If the post violates school policy (i.e. bullying, fighting, threats), they should contact their child's principal to report the incident. They can also contact our Safe Schools Tip Line: (919) 856-1911.
If the post violates North Carolina or federal law, they should contact the police. An inappropriate sexual video of a minor would always violate the law.