11-year-old girl reunited with Duke hospital staff who cared for her as a preemie

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Sunday, June 4, 2017
When Hamilton was born she weighed just one pound and six ounces.
When Hamilton Ellis was born she weighed just one pound and six ounces.
Credit: The Ellis Family

DURHAM, North Carolina (WTVD) -- It was all smiles Saturday as 11-year-old Hamilton Ellis reunited with the Duke Intensive Care Nursery (ICN) staff that helped care for her after she was born prematurely.

It was all part of Duke ICN's reunion for families of former patients. About 240 families drove from all over the country to celebrate how much former premature infants have grown.

This year, the Ellis family, of Durham, were the guests of honor!

Hamilton was born when her mother, Blake, was just 23 weeks pregnant.

ICN staff say at birth she weighed just one pound and six ounces.

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She was so tiny that her father, Bret, could fit his wedding band around her arm.

Thankfully, Hamilton went home from the hospital when she was 5-months-old.

The Ellis family calls her their miracle baby.

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Hamilton was born when her mother, Blake, was just 23 weeks pregnant.
Credit: The Ellis Family

She has done well in school and is about to finish the 4th grade.

Her family says she loves to swim and adores being a big sister to twins Carter and Tyler who are 6-years-old.

At the event, other children were honored including a family from Maryland.

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