RALEIGH, N.C. (WTVD) -- Raleigh resident Frank Norman just received a check for more than $1,500 for losing weight through Healthywage.com.
"This is Christmas!" Norman said. "My wife is getting something nice for Christmas with this."
Healthywage has worked with Norman before. ABC11 first met him in February 2018 when he had received his first check for more than $900 for losing and keeping off 40 pounds over six months.
This time, Norman started the program in April and lost 30 pounds. He bet a total of $780 and almost doubled his money. Norman said he made more money this time by taking mini challenges with his niece, who also received a check for more than $1,700.
"It's almost fun to follow it online because you can see your progress," Norman said. "You do tend to stay on it once you start."
Healthywage allows participants to decide how many pounds they want to lose, how long it will take to lose the weight and how big of a prize you will receive if you achieve your goal.
You can set the prize as high as $10,000. Participants lose the weight any way that works best for them.
For Norman, diet and a personal trainer worked best but knowing money was also on the line was a great incentive.
"It does help your overall attitude towards food that type thing," Norman said.
Hitting his goal and getting the payout nearly doubling his money was all positive for Norman, but, the best prize of all is how great he feels.
He plans to participate in the program again in 2019 and hopes for a total weight loss of 100 pounds within two years.