Roadside service: Trooper delivers baby on busy Raleigh road

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Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Trooper helps deliver baby on Raleigh roadside
Trooper helps deliver baby on Raleigh roadside.

RALEIGH, NC (WTVD) -- A little roadside assistance turned into a special delivery for a state trooper in Raleigh on Monday.

Sgt. W. C. Johnson delivered a baby Monday morning on the side of a roadway in Raleigh, making sure mom and infant were OK and even visiting them in the hospital later.

It all started just after 7:40 a.m. when Sgt. Johnson was on Capital Boulevard near Highwoods Boulevard when he saw a silver SUV in the median with its flashers on.

Sgt. W. C. Johnson, visits with baby Achilles and the mother.
NC State Highway Patrol

The driver yelled, "I need your help, she's having a baby."

Johnson sprang into action, assisting with the birth of the child and providing "life-saving measures to support the child until the fire department and EMS arrived," the Highway Patrol said on social media.

"Copy, 11 on scene, and baby is out," could be heard on radio dispatch.

Johnson stayed at the scene as the mom and baby were loaded into the ambulance for the trip to the hospital.

Mom and baby are both doing well, the SHP reported, and Johnson even visited the two in the hospital.

The baby, named Achilles, weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces.

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