"The smartest 20-minute workout in the world," that's the trademark behind The Exercise Coach which opened in September in Morrisville.
Co-owner Barbara Blair said she decided to bring the first of its kind computerized workout to the Triangle after it changed her life when she used it while working in Atlanta.
"We have our proprietary equipment, called exerbotics," explained Blair. "It's different from anything out there, it's the most advanced equipment in the world. It can follow your progress during the exercise."
Working out on the machines is different than traditional equipment with weights. Users always have a coach assisting them with the equipment.
To begin, the first thing tested is a users strength level. The machines calibrate and tailor to the exact level of tension for each user to quickly engage the muscles, which will track and show your progress. The effectiveness of the equipment to engage the muscles means users only spend about a minute and a half on each machine.
"Here we're working out a min and 30 seconds and fatiguing all the muscle fibers at once so that's how we get it done in 20 minutes," explained Lead Coach Adrien King. "We're not letting the muscles rest, it's time under tension and it's progressively overloading the muscles and it really fatigues your fast twitch muscle fibers."
The Exercise Coach offers two free sessions for new users.