Raleigh videographer keeps business alive by offering big screen viewings in your backyard

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Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Raleigh videographer keeps business alive by offering big screen viewings in your backyard
Raleigh videographer keeps business alive by offering big screen viewings in your backyard

RALEIGH (WTVD) -- If you are going to be in the presence of small groups like state rules currently allow, experts agree you are even safer outside where it's more difficult for the coronavirus to hang in the air.

So if you're like a lot of those who have been isolating and now craving some entertainment options, you might want to look to your backyard.

"A lot of people are asking, 'Is there a safe socially distanced activity?' I keep recommending Triangle Backyard Cinema," Udeshi Hargett told ABC11.

Hargett recently hosted a 'big screen' party in the backyard of her Wilson home for her son's first birthday, a party that was delayed from his April birthdate because of the pandemic.


Hargett said after four months of waiting she started looking for a way to celebrate cautiously saying, "We wanted everybody to be safe. So the last thing we would do is put any of us, you know, family members or ourselves, our health in jeopardy."

She referenced older parents living with her saying, "So we felt really good about being outside having fresh air."

Triangle Backyard Cinema is owned by Nathan Morris of Raleigh.

When the pandemic hit his other business, Oak City Films which depended mostly on live events, took a big hit.

"We started looking around like many businesses have and saying, 'What do we have available?' And we had a projector and we had some other things and, of course, we love movies, we love cinema, we love giving people a great time and a great experience. So it was kind of was a natural progression," Morris said.

So he got an inflatable big screen, pulled out that projector and a popcorn machine and Triangle Backyard Cinema was born.

It's not only helped the bottom line but has been uplifting Morris noted saying, "It's been really good for our soul to be able to see some laughing and smiling, getting together even if it's at a distance, to be able to see a group of high school kids that are singing along with their favorite musical or you've got guys that are watching sporting events and that sort of thing."

Morris says any video you can pull up on your TV or laptop, he can put on the big screen.

He said he'll work with you on the retail price of $400.

And, as Udeshi Hargett referenced, there are other ways to defray the cost.

"People in the neighborhood could get together and plan this because each person could chip in and it would make it very reasonable. It really wouldn't end up being a whole lot more than going to a movie theatre," she said.

And not only would it be some welcome entertainment for you but a hand-up for a local business trying to make a Carolina Comeback.

"This business is actually really helping out especially with my employees, giving them opportunities to get out and do work so I can keep them on staff," Morris said.

If you're interested in his services click here.

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