'Bullets flying': Raleigh apartment residents in fear after gunfire during weekend

Monday, April 25, 2022
RALEIGH, N.C. (WTVD) -- It's telling that Jazmin Bullock talked to ABC11 on Monday with bullet holes all around her.

"This is a plea for help before it gets any worse," she said.

She stood in her neighbor's apartment, which was riddled with bullets after a Sunday shooting.

She said this is the third shooting in as many weeks at the same Walnut Woods apartment complex.

Bullock also found bullets outside her own windows. She said she hid with her four kids in the bathroom Sunday.

"You could feel the vibrations," she said. "You could feel the vibration of the bullets flying."

Her youngest child is 6 months old. Her oldest is 12 years old.

Bullock doesn't know what the violence is all about, but she wants it to end. She'd also like to move, but this is her only option right now.

"A bullet has nobody's name, no destination and no place it's going," Bullock said. "Innocent bystanders were caught in the middle of this. What I know is that this needs to stop before anybody gets hurt out here or anybody's body. Before a child mourns their mother or both parents together."

Residents have filed reports with Raleigh Police.

ABC11 has reached out to the property management of the apartment complex but has not yet heard back.
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