Police investigating rash of overnight car break-ins in Apex

Friday, December 1, 2017
APEX, North Carolina (WTVD) -- Apex police are investigating after at least four vehicles in the Haddon Hall community were broken into late Thursday night/early Friday morning.

Wallets were stolen and even a gun in a vehicle, police said, adding that all the vehicles had unlocked doors. A motorcycle was also taken in the neighborhood, police said.

Michael Hall's car was left a mess after someone rummaged through it, stealing Christmas presents he bought for his son Keenan, 2, and daughter Nevaeh, 6.

Hall said he put the presents in the trunk to hide them from his kids. Somebody got into the front and popped the trunk open.

"The door was open," Hall said. "I knew that somebody had gotten into it. I knew I left it unlocked."

Courtney Mickel also left her Honda Pilot unlocked in the same neighborhood.

Someone went in and took her wallet and purse with her credit cards. She also had Christmas gifts in there.

Worse, she said, a backpack from an Ironman triathlon she completed was stolen, as was a picture of her father, Bobby Gene, who passed away seven months ago.

"Things are replaceable," she said. "I'm not a materialistic person but I did Ironman for my dad, too, so it all goes together," she said, getting emotional.

ABC11 saw police dusting for fingerprints and looking for clues that could lead them to the thief or thieves.

"It's just a reminder that you have to make sure that you lock your car and definitely tell your neighbors the same," Hall said.

"We always lock it so I think just be a little more cognizant and aware right now in this busy season to really lock your doors," Mickel said.
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